College Student Seeking Info about MMA


White Belt
I am a college student and for my senior experience project I am to find the different market segments of the MMA industry. If anyone would be willing to answer the questions below to help give me some incite on the consumer, that'd be great! Also, any other info you would like to share and think would be valuable for me to know. Answer a couple questions or all of them, anything will help!

1) What got you started in Martial Arts?
- What discipline are you in?
- What skill level are you?
3) What other things do you like to do?
4) What are the 1st three brands that come into your mind and your opinions of them?
5) How did you decide what type of equipment to get? and brand?
6) How often do you buy new equipment? Where at and why?

Thanks for any input!! :)
Hmm ... it's really unclear what you mean by "the different market segments of the MMA industry" and what your questions have to do with that topic.

The biggest part of MMA as a business is garnering fans to watch televised events - the vast majority of whom are not martial artists. After that I suppose it would be getting advertisers (most not selling martial arts equipment) and selling merchandise (most of which is not martial arts training equipment, although some is.)

Most martial artists are not MMA practitioners and the vast majority of members on this site are not part of the "MMA industry" except insomuch as some of us are fans of the sport and might watch the occasional PPV. The training gear we might buy and the brands we might prefer can vary considerably according to the martial art we practice, but for most of us it isn't MMA gear.
I can answer all the questions having been in all sides of MMA for a long time but I don't think it would do you any good because I assume you want it to pertain to the US.

PS if you are doing a collage project I would brush up on your spelling if you want answers as 'incite' has a very different meaning to 'insight' which is what you mean. :)
I can answer all the questions having been in all sides of MMA for a long time but I don't think it would do you any good because I assume you want it to pertain to the US.

PS if you are doing a collage project I would brush up on your spelling if you want answers as 'incite' has a very different meaning to 'insight' which is what you mean. :)
Agreed, my bad. But you spelled college wrong so we are even;) But yes I am looking for info about MMA in the US but if you know of any trends that fellow martial arts participants use or commonalities in certain disciplines, I am open to hearing them!
Hmm ... it's really unclear what you mean by "the different market segments of the MMA industry" and what your questions have to do with that topic.

The biggest part of MMA as a business is garnering fans to watch televised events - the vast majority of whom are not martial artists. After that I suppose it would be getting advertisers (most not selling martial arts equipment) and selling merchandise (most of which is not martial arts training equipment, although some is.)

Most martial artists are not MMA practitioners and the vast majority of members on this site are not part of the "MMA industry" except insomuch as some of us are fans of the sport and might watch the occasional PPV. The training gear we might buy and the brands we might prefer can vary considerably according to the martial art we practice, but for most of us it isn't MMA gear.
What I mean by market segments are the different types of people that are involved in the different disciplines of martial arts. And even by the events watched and being an enthusiast, do you own any of your own gear or have an opinion of the different brands of gear used by the pros or even about the types of people involved.
MMA can mean two things. The sport, which of course consists of many styles. Mainly four styles Muay Thai. Karate, Judo, and Jiu Jiutsu. And then there is simply mma in regards to martial artists who take up the study of more than one style.

Which is it exactly are you talking about here?

My personal experiences are 11 years of kenpo karate and Judo on and off since I was a teenager. When I get promoted to my black belt then I will persue a more professional mma carreer but until then it is time to train rigouroursly.

As far as gear goes. We don't use much gear and often spar with only our GI and our fists, martial arts competition however usually has you wearing head gear and gloves and sometimes footpads, mouthpiece and a cup.

But then there are kyokyushin rules which are no protective gear but hand strikes to the head are banned. But you can kick to the head, sense right? Anyway those are the rules, I myself prefer kyokyushins rules because I hate wearing the gear.

The brand's I always liked were century. Some people hate that brand but I personally have never had a problem with them. Everlast is another good one too but can get expensive.
Agreed, my bad. But you spelled college wrong so we are even;) But yes I am looking for info about MMA in the US but if you know of any trends that fellow martial arts participants use or commonalities in certain disciplines, I am open to hearing them!

I'm not after impressing people nor am I a college student, I'm an old lady with failing eyesight and as an old lady I have absolutely no idea what you mean by 'trends that fellow martial arts participants use' and 'commonalties'?
As for owning own gear, the chaps prefer to own their groin guards, it's awkward sharing though I have seen it done at an MMA fight night we were running............. :eek:

Oi, Ironbear, MMA has far more styles integrated into it, you are going to start arguments with 'mainly just four'! :D:D
Tez -I agree with you and view what I do as MMA
Still have to separate sport mma as ufc (which is what a lot of people consider it) and mma as mixed martial arts
I'm afraid I can't help...o_O Let's see:

1) What got you started in Martial Arts?
Well, I didn't like to fight. Just win.
- What discipline are you in?
It have no name. I trained long time ago formally. And many years from now I am in my discipline (or nothing). It can be similar to many discipline, but it is none of them...

- What skill level are you?
It depends, a lot. I don't use rankings. And I can be better than all black belts in an academy, or be destroyed by a crazy untrained boy...
3) What other things do you like to do?
Qigong (Like to try).
4) What are the 1st three brands that come into your mind and your opinions of them?
Everlast and Punchtown. And... Sandee.
5) How did you decide what type of equipment to get? and brand?
Essentially it is MMA gloves and elbow protections. Not many decisions to do... Brand? The cheapest one or the one that looks like what I am looking for.
6) How often do you buy new equipment? Where at and why?
Each time I re-retire, after sending everything to my hometown (and storehouse). Buy Online.
I'm not after impressing people nor am I a college student, I'm an old lady with failing eyesight and as an old lady I have absolutely no idea what you mean by 'trends that fellow martial arts participants use' and 'commonalties'?
As for owning own gear, the chaps prefer to own their groin guards, it's awkward sharing though I have seen it done at an MMA fight night we were running............. :eek:

Oi, Ironbear, MMA has far more styles integrated into it, you are going to start arguments with 'mainly just four'! :D:D

Yeah you got a point. I'll rephrase what I said. The ones I have seen in mma tend to be those four. And eww. People shared their cup with someone else? That's a great way to get jock itch or crabs.
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I am a college student and for my senior experience project I am to find the different market segments of the MMA industry. If anyone would be willing to answer the questions below to help give me some incite on the consumer, that'd be great! Also, any other info you would like to share and think would be valuable for me to know. Answer a couple questions or all of them, anything will help!

1) What got you started in Martial Arts?
- What discipline are you in?
- What skill level are you?
3) What other things do you like to do?
4) What are the 1st three brands that come into your mind and your opinions of them?
5) How did you decide what type of equipment to get? and brand?
6) How often do you buy new equipment? Where at and why?

Thanks for any input!! :)

Is this for a marketing class? I remember having to do this kind of project in college! I think to get helpful information from us, you need to be more specific in terms of what kind of MMA-related product or service you're looking to do your project on.

From questions #5 & #6, it sounds like you're doing your project on different brands of MMA training equipment. Is that the case?
What I mean by market segments are the different types of people that are involved in the different disciplines of martial arts. And even by the events watched and being an enthusiast, do you own any of your own gear or have an opinion of the different brands of gear used by the pros or even about the types of people involved.
Just to be clear, are you asking about MMA specifically or martial arts in general? Because those are two very different topics.

Also, could you clarify what you are thinking of when you say "industry"? Are you looking at the various commercial businesses related to the martial arts (or specifically MMA)? Because many of those have nothing to do with gear. On the other hand, if you are asking about the different types of people who train in martial arts of one sort or another, that's another question still. Many of them have minimal or no involvement in any sort of commercial enterprise related to the martial arts.
1) What got you started in Martial Arts?
I thought it looked fun. I was a kid. I never looked back.
- What discipline are you in?
Er...mixed, I suppose.
- What skill level are you?

I guess that depends what discipline. I have a third dan, or a second dan depending who you ask, but I'm also a blue belt. Who knows.
3) What other things do you like to do?

Lots of stuff! Writing, reading, hiking...
4) What are the 1st three brands that come into your mind and your opinions of them?

I'm assuming MA-related brands? Century, Pro-Force, I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. They're alright. I think pro-force has a reputation, but I don't have that much of their merchandise so I can't say.
5) How did you decide what type of equipment to get? and brand?
I've been fortunate in running across a number of different styles and brands of equipment during training, so I usually go with whatever has been reliably good quality. I buy to fit my needs, as the situation arises.
6) How often do you buy new equipment? Where at and why?
Pretty rarely. I'm not currently teaching, so a small repository of training equipment is sufficient. I generally buy online, for convenience, and sometimes through magazines, because they're easy to peruse and you can get discounted rates sometimes.
My background is in streetfighting. I make all of my own equipment for free, mostly. Make it from trash, generally. Buying things gets expencive. I was country, not so much anymore. Country folk believe in being self suficiant. I don't particully enjoy watching people fight. Had enough fighting for two lifetimes. Its the paranoia that keeps me training. How's that for your marketing research?
1) What got you started in Martial Arts?
Since High School I wanted to take some form of martial art. I met a girl in College who's dad taught Tae Kwon Do, eventually started dating her and I joined her dad's school.
- What discipline are you in?
Tae Kwon Do
- What skill level are you?
In my school I am considered advanced. I am a Red belt, but at another school I could be considered a beginner, or handicapped, who knows?
3) What other things do you like to do?
Fill out surveys, post on this awesome forum, intramural sports, Netflix, Netflix and chill.
4) What are the 1st three brands that come into your mind and your opinions of them?
Macho, Century, Adidas
5) How did you decide what type of equipment to get? and brand?
My school used foam dipped century gear, so they made the decisions for me.
6) How often do you buy new equipment? Where at and why?
I have bought gear twice in two years, because our schooled used red gear, and then allowed us to use blue. I like blue better.
I started martial arts because i wanted to throw people over my shoulder. I think i saw James bond do it once.

I do mma.

My skill level is ok.

I also like to read books ride motorbikes and camp.

Brands would be.

I either hunt on line for stuff. Or buy what is in the club.

I buy equipment once every 6 months or so. Either to replace gear. Or because i think it is cool.

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