Hahahaha! Ah yeah I sorta know what you mean about Seiunchin.
Just went back and rewatched the clips when he did the kata... up on the mountain with Miyagi, and in the last fight scene... and sorry I just absolutely love it haha. Even technically if it's been altered a bit, I just love the meaning behind it. That training up on the top of the mountain, and then the last fight scene that is just gold...
Love when Daniel is on the ground, admitting he's afraid to Miyagi, then Mike Barnes absolutely in his face screaming at him, as though it was the voice of fear within Daniel screaming at him, but the calm and poise that Daniel had on his face as he looked at it and was able to face it, the kata was just representing his focus to be with his experience in the moment, and it completely threw 'fear'. Just loved everything it represented, and teared up watching that last fight scene haha.