CNN Challenges Katrina Censorship

Bob Hubbard

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CNN Challenges Katrina Censorship

Author: James Welsh Source: Digital Spy (UK)


On Friday, officials at FEMA, the embattled emergency management agency of the American government, requested that the media not take photographs of dead bodies. The agency has also started to reject reporters' requests to travel with rescue boats, now that the waters are receding and the dead bodies become more and more prevalent.

By Friday afternoon, CNN News Group president Jim Walton issued the following email to staff at the network:

"In response to official statements earlier today that news media would be excluded from covering the victim recovery process in New Orleans and surrounding areas on the suggestion that what is reported may offend viewers' or victims' sensibilities, CNN has filed a lawsuit in federal court to prohibit any agency from restricting its ability to fully and fairly cover this story."

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From Witches Voice
yeah, that's not something i completely swallowed either. we, as human beings, don't necessarily need "sheltered" from reality. allowing the public to actually see the result of such incident just might help in public support of preventing such things from taking place in the future.
"On Friday, officials at FEMA, the embattled emergency management agency of the American government, requested that the media not take photographs of dead bodies. The agency has also started to reject reporters' requests to travel with rescue boats, now that the waters are receding and the dead bodies become more and more prevalent."

Not that I agree with censorship, but this says it was a "request" and they told reporters to "get yer own boats". Perhaps this is a mountian/molehill issue right now. Have reporters been detained/arrested or blocked yet?
The government has already dropped its request that reporters don't take footage of dead bodies. Right now, it's a "non-issue" with regards to what Mr. Hubbard (uh...please don't strike me down) originally intended by bringing this up.
My only intent with most of these is to foster discussion. Some things lean one way or the other. Most are news blurbs I find on a few sites I frequent. Tis all. :)
Shorin Ryuu said:
The government has already dropped its request that reporters don't take footage of dead bodies.

It's their choice whether or not they want to have reporters along, but telling them they can't photograph the news...please!
Sapper6 said:
yeah, that's not something i completely swallowed either. we, as human beings, don't necessarily need "sheltered" from reality. allowing the public to actually see the result of such incident just might help in public support of preventing such things from taking place in the future.
For once, I have to agree with Sapper.