Senior Master
It is said that Northern Chinese styles are longer ranged than the Southern styles. The same comparison can be made regarding karate's Shuri-te (Shorin) vs Naha-te (goju) styles. (Can historical weapons use be the common thread in these differences?
The early Shaolin CMA was spear/polearm based, and the monks fought in wars for the Tangs. They later also had to fight against the Qing army, so much of their early MA required skill in these long-range weapons for military applications. It seems natural that the kinds of techniques and tactics used in weapons combat would later influence their development of unarmed combat, similar to how kenjutsu influenced aikido technique.
I believe Southern China, by contrast, was more insulated from the wars that raged in the North. Also, as time passed, firearms were more common and fewer wars were being fought, and skills in long-range polearms (spear, halberd and staff) that the monks excelled in were of decreasing importance. These factors allowed for a concentration in unarmed short-range combat designed more for personal self-defense.
Those styles that had evolved from the Northern weapons-based MA before the 1600's kept their long-range identity. Those styles that developed in the South and post-1600's did not have a long-range weapon tradition and their unarmed MA developed for closer-range fighting.
Karate developed much later in Okinawa, but perhaps the same situations applied. Shuri was the capitol and was the main home of the upper class. This was the pool the elite fighters, bodyguards and security people, were drawn from. They studied MA in not only South China, but northern as well. Additionally, they were exposed to China's military envoys. Naha was the main port where the more merchant class resided and were exposed to Chinese non-military traders. When they visited China, they were restricted to the Fujian ports and were not exposed to the long-range styles of Northern China.
While there was blending between north and south CMA and between Shuri and Naha TMA, does a weapons tradition explain the development of long vs short MA in China and Okinawa?
The early Shaolin CMA was spear/polearm based, and the monks fought in wars for the Tangs. They later also had to fight against the Qing army, so much of their early MA required skill in these long-range weapons for military applications. It seems natural that the kinds of techniques and tactics used in weapons combat would later influence their development of unarmed combat, similar to how kenjutsu influenced aikido technique.
I believe Southern China, by contrast, was more insulated from the wars that raged in the North. Also, as time passed, firearms were more common and fewer wars were being fought, and skills in long-range polearms (spear, halberd and staff) that the monks excelled in were of decreasing importance. These factors allowed for a concentration in unarmed short-range combat designed more for personal self-defense.
Those styles that had evolved from the Northern weapons-based MA before the 1600's kept their long-range identity. Those styles that developed in the South and post-1600's did not have a long-range weapon tradition and their unarmed MA developed for closer-range fighting.
Karate developed much later in Okinawa, but perhaps the same situations applied. Shuri was the capitol and was the main home of the upper class. This was the pool the elite fighters, bodyguards and security people, were drawn from. They studied MA in not only South China, but northern as well. Additionally, they were exposed to China's military envoys. Naha was the main port where the more merchant class resided and were exposed to Chinese non-military traders. When they visited China, they were restricted to the Fujian ports and were not exposed to the long-range styles of Northern China.
While there was blending between north and south CMA and between Shuri and Naha TMA, does a weapons tradition explain the development of long vs short MA in China and Okinawa?