Clinton's Bucket List released... What's Yours?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
His A list is very noble to say the least.
On his A-list:

  • "I would like to live to see my own grandchildren." (His daughter, Chelsea, is getting married at the end of the month, so he may be on his way there.)
  • "I'd like to live to know that all the grandchildren of the world will have the chance in the not-too-distant future to live their own dreams and not die before their time."

Off the top of my head my Bucket list includes:
A. Doing some of the caves on my top 10 list that I haven't gotten around to doing.
B. Learning and getting a BB in a MA (still haven't decided which however)
C. Winning the Powerball Jackpot Lottery and refurbishing a dilapidated neighborhood with new houses and cars
D. Visit other countries like Japan, (mainland) China, Australia and NZ for a month... each!

Whats on your (present) bucket list?

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