Your Bucket List: An Add On Thread


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
A couple days ago I posted an awesome swing, located in Queenstown. Definitely got added to my bucket list.

Then I found this...

And it got added on to the bucket list.

As far as my other stuff goes they mainly include going to certain caves or caving in certain places. But others include
Sparring with a well known BB (whomever I can at the time). May get my *** handed to me but... wouldn't it be fun?
Camping out in the NW Forest around WA./OR for a week.
Camping somewhere deep in mainland China for a week.
Ice-climbing anywhere... especially in a cave. I know of one that is 300 feet deep... :uhyeah:
Sailing on pacific to Sheriff Bart's favorite place in a mid-sized sailboat...or a clipper.
Direct a movie: dunno what, just something
Camp out in the Aussie outback for a week.
Snorkle with whales (some places I recall it's allowed)
Kayak among Orcas
Free use of an Observatory for an hour.

Gads more. But that'll be the idea of this thread. Add yours and keep adding on as you find or hear about things. Add videos or pics if desired. Who knows you might help someone find something to add to theirs.
Likewise, list stuff that is already scratched off even if you didn't know it at the time it's one of your... once in a life time things.
For me a couple of them were:
The honor of interpreting for two great MA-ists. Yip-Sing, and Ed Parker Jr.
Bottoming Neffs Canyon Cave (-1165 much of it on a rope) after 4 previous attempts.

It's not an ego post/thread it's a sharing one... After all we're all going to die sometime or another and we know it (though studiously deny it) and bucket lists aren't as private as Morgan Freeman made them out to be.

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