Classic Fight: Hackney vs Yarbourough

...but I don't see any kenpo in there regardless of Keith's history.

What did you expect to see? Dance of Death??:rofl:

You maybe didn't see your kenpo there, but I did see mine (since we are from the same school). At least my kenpo if I had to fight someone that had 8 inches of height and 400+ lbs on me...on the other hand, if I ran into this guy in a dark alley, I would go straight for his eyes then run my *** of while he is distracted. ;)

thetruth said:
The wasn't a lot of thought going on there just to hope he tapped.

Since when do you think during a fight?:confused:
What did you expect to see? Dance of Death??:rofl:

You maybe didn't see your kenpo there, but I did see mine (since we are from the same school). At least my kenpo if I had to fight someone that had 8 inches of height and 400+ lbs on me...on the other hand, if I ran into this guy in a dark alley, I would go straight for his eyes then run my *** of while he is distracted. ;)

Since when do you think during a fight?:confused:

Isn't the whole kenpo tiger/dragon analogy about the thought process during self defence type situation. Something about about the tiger being strong but it doesnt think so it can only react or respond and the dragon is the one that thinks and acts rather than reacts?

Hackney vs. Gracie is much more representative of style. Hackney lost but he did pretty well.
Whetjer he used actual Kenpo techniques or just brawled it doesnt matter, he took the fight to Yarborough and won. That took guts.