Class Plan for this Saturday


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Holding and Hitting Class 2

Warm Up


Shadow Boxing 4 directions, combinations, changing levels
Focus Mitts with long range hand techniques
Shield Pads hands and feet high low combinations
Static Drills

Right and Left Handed

Palm Strikes to shields and pads
thrusting, snapping, hooking, horizontal, inverted

Palm Strikes to body
Opponent static, student circling opponent
Opponent static, student fighting stance and circling
Opponent guard up and slowly moving, student fighting stance and circling
“walking” Opponent with Palm Strikes to Shoulders and Hips, Front and Back
Grabs to body
same progression
Grabbing and “tossing” Opponent to Other Hand, Switching Grabs,
“swimming” over Opponent
Holding opponent while palm striking with off hand
same progression
Forward Grab To Opponent, Anchor Elbow/Off Hand Palm to Grab Opponent, Repeat
Water Wheel Technique

Discussion of Bracing Strikes

Description and purpose, demonstrate examples including:
Inward Elbow Smash, Pulling Opponent into Knee Strike, Bracing Opponent against Wall or Ground, Sandwiching Strikes (Crossed Double Backnuckle Strike), Holding or Immobilizing a Joint and Striking
Combination Drills

Rear Leg Crossover Thrusting Sweep Kick/Lead hand Palm to Grab Opponent's Collar, Land with offhand Jab, Untwist

Rear Leg Crossover Thrusting Sweep Kick/Lead hand Palm to Grab Side of Opponent's Face, Untwist Land with offhand inward elbow smash

Lead Hand Jab, Lead Hand Jab, Lead Hand Palm to Grab Outside of Opponent's Lead Shoulder, Anchor Elbow to Cancel Opponent/Rear Hand Downward Hammerfist Strike to Opponent's Shoulder Joint

Opponent Executes Rear Leg Roundhouse Kick, Lead Leg Stop Kick to Opponent's Inner Thigh, Land Inside Opponent's Stance, Rear Leg Step To Establish Strong Line against Opponent's Stance/Double Forward Grab To Opponent's Shoulders, Anchor Elbows/Execute Forward Knee Thrust to Opponent's Body

Combat Drills

Upper Body Only

Striking versus Grappling

Striking and Grappling

Free Combat Drill
certainly a full class schedule,

reminds me a lot of the drills we do when preparing students in sparring before a tournament.

thanks for sharing,

It does seem a bit much to me, at least on its face.. I'd be interested to see how long the class is and what you get into depth on.
The class was about an hour and a half. I usually make a class plan that is fairly dense, and then play it by ear as I go. Sometimes I find that the students need to spend more time working on one specific drill or technique, and may drop other planned aspects of the class in favor of extra time spent in that area.

Good to hear you have a flexible approach. I find its always better to have too much planned than too little as it is easier to take lessons out rather than try to make up something worthy on the spot.

It looks like a good schedule. I'd give it a go.

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