clark kent


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
any chance we could get our good buddy clark to post a little more selectively? he's kinda running the forum over here.

I can shut off the feed (which is maybe 1-2 topics a day) but then this section might get 1-2 topics a month again. Nothings stopping anyone from out posting the bot, or replying to the topics it imports.
Also, if the bot imports in a true duplicate topic, please report it. I checked and there's a few with duplicate titles, but the content looked different. The few dupes I found I just deleted. Most of what's being imported are fight news/reports. I figure, technique discussions are more interactive things, but the bots good at reporting the scores. :D
right you are sir, we'll just have to post more in here to keep up!

You can't beat him he posts faster than a speeding bullet , and is able to leap tall forums in a single bound .

All I can say is he can't be getting too much work done over there at The Daily Planet .
Remember post count equal money, money equal playing time in casino.:asian:
Clark hordes his money though, he's less Superman and more McDuck. LOL
He also puts up fight results in his titles which are hard to avoid when I look at the new posts lists. it spoils literally then fights I watch later because of time differences between you and me.
Thread titles are based on what the bit he's pulling is titled. I can put the bot on a 'mod approval' leash, meaning threads are only posted after a mod reviews them, but that may delay the threads posting publicly for days.
how about an mma subforum for news? i do like reading what he posts, it's just hard to get a discussion going when he has a busy day.
