Yawara Martial Arts - Judo & Karate classes in London


White Belt
Yawara Martial Arts is run by Sensei Dave Clarke and we have clubs in Wandsworth, Woking and Lightwater. Sensei Clarke started training Martial Arts (Judo) at the age of 6 in 1969. He started training with Sensei Frank Perry at the Honbu in Sandycombe Road, Kew, Surrey, South West of London. Sensei Clarke is a 4th Dan in Judo, 3rd Dan in Karate and 4th Dan in Ju-Jutsu. He is a full time Martial Arts instructor and is therefore able to put 100% into his teaching.

Our Karate school is the United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation. Seiki-Juku means 'True Spirit' and our mon (badge) shows an English rose amongst three circles representing Purity, Diligence and Respect. The word Karate itself means 'empty hand', one incapable of grasping or holding on to pride, prejudice or any other selfish desire. The empty hand is to be offered to others in the service of life itself.

Traditional Karate is at first a means of combat, a means by which the exponent defends himself or his family. However, by a process of repetitious training he also cultivates a morally correct state of mind. The true understanding of Karate-Do may only be understood after one engages in sufficient training.
The Yawara Club's are part of the United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation (UKSKO). The UKSKO was formed in the early eighties and now has more than 20 Clubs around the south of England. We are also affiliated to the Dai Nippon Butoku-kwai in Japan.

The main Club or Honbu (headquarters), 'the Bu'sen' is located in Twickenham and is run by Sensei Frank Perry 7th Dan, Chief Instuctor who is assisted by Sensei Carol David 5th Dan and Assistant Chief Instructor (Karate) and Sensei Dave Clarke Asssitant Chief Instructor (Judo and Ju-Jutsu). The Busen is one of the largest full time martial arts and fitness centres in the country.