Circular movements


Green Belt
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Does anyone have any ideas for learning how to move in circular movements? I am having trouble 'getting' how to move my body in this way. I'm more at ease moving straight in on someone or holding my ground and striking back.
Boy! Sounds like my story when I first started. I'd imagine you're making reference to the earth level training in To-Shin Do and transitioning to the water element?
Anychance you can expand on this please?


Anychance you can expand on this please?



To-Shin Do breaks down the training into different "elements" Earth, Water, Fire, Windy, and Void. You start at Earth which is a solid feeling stance, very natural feeling and when you get past the first few belts you move onto mainly "watery" feeling movements. (Ichumonji for the most part, I know I spelled it wrong) Where you move to give yourself a bit of distance and time (small but helpful) then come back in on your attacker, or get away whichever is a better choice. It tends to be a flowing out then back in movement, some schools refer to it as a circular movement as well.

Basic very rough explination, but probably enough to give you an idea what was meant. The school I am in doesn't really follow the whole "element" idea too closely, but some schools really drill it into you.

Or did you mean the small circular movements made to unbalance the other person at times? Either way, the only way to "get" them is to practice them over, and over, and over.
To-Shin Do breaks down the training into different "elements" Earth, Water, Fire, Windy, and Void. You start at Earth which is a solid feeling stance, very natural feeling and when you get past the first few belts you move onto mainly "watery" feeling movements. (Ichumonji for the most part, I know I spelled it wrong) Where you move to give yourself a bit of distance and time (small but helpful) then come back in on your attacker, or get away whichever is a better choice. It tends to be a flowing out then back in movement, some schools refer to it as a circular movement as well.

'Sounds' and i use the term loosely as not to come across all 'knowing', like the way we were training in BBD 1990-1994. The water 'element' in Ichimonji we used to use a 'wave of water drawing back then crashing through'
Yes, basically. You can also find this in the Kasumi-An Bujinkan curriculum. I know of a Bujinkan school nearby that uses this as well.
I am refering to "wind". I'm not sure how to get folks to understand................ like when I try do 'omote oni-kudaki, harai ogoshi or musha-dori' I have not figured out how to get myself to 'move' the way I feel I should be moving.