Master of Arts
Originally posted by Kodanjaclay
Grandmaster Son is an excellent martial artist, and you are fortunate to be able to train with someone of his caliber. That being said... when the ChungDoKwan opened in 1944, Yi, Won Kuk taught, according to him, Okinawa-te. Grandmaster Son had issued Maj. General Choi an honorary 4th dan in '55; however, it was revoked in '59 due to certain allegations. As I do not know if any were substantiated, I will not repeat them.
The thing is, Choi was not instrumental in forming KTA. Actually the idea to unify first came from Hwang Kee, who with the blessing of KASA was doing just that, and Jidokwan actually joined with them in this endeavor. When Choi popped up he had more political clout than Hwang Kee.
When KTA was first formed it was not the Korea Taekwondo Association, it was the Korea TaesooDo Association. Choi, blew a gasket because his name was not selected, and forced the name change to Taekwondo, which was one of the reasons he was pushed out, and I'm sure his excursion to the DPRK did not help either. At any rate, Uhm Kyu Um and others agreed to the name change. Here is the interesting thing though... supposedly they demanded his resignation, and Grandmaster Um helped him to set up the ITF as part of the deal.
Hope this helps.
That's one version of the history that I've heard.

Grandmaster Son and the WTA aren't too well known these days. Might I ask how you know of Mr. Son and what style you primarily teach?