Christmas shopping Horror Stories


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Share your Shopping horror stories here..

I just despise shopping anytime of the year but Christmas time sure brings out something primal in people.. not a good primal either~!!
This was shopping for food around Christmas time, so close enough:). I was going to pay for my breakfast at Cracker Barrel the day before or after Christmas. Other people in my community had the same idea and there was a line. The line was feeding two registers (similar to being at the bank w/ 2 tellers, when one is free, the next person goes to pay). A guy does not notice this, so he goes to the farther register because it looks like it has no line. The guy behind me yells at him, "Hey there's a line. Go to the end." The other guy realizes his mistake and apologizes. But yeller guy needs to make his point so he proceeds to say some mean things about oblivious guy(:cuss:,a*&%^e, etc) which is absolutely uncalled for with kids around. The guy apologizes again but yeller guy won't shut up about it, and then I say, loud enough for the front of the Cracker Barrel to hear, "Nice Christmas Spirit." This shut yeller guy up, finally.
I was just in Wal-Mart the other day and within a span of five minutes, I heard one guy on his cell phone yelling at someone saying how the thing he was buying for someone was just stupid and why did he have to buy it.....

Then I heard one guy yelling at his chippy because she didn't answer any of the phone numbers he had called her at, swearing like a sailor using the "F" word, all with a little baby in his arms.

Tis the Season, I guess. It's just darn sad.

I did, however, nail a parking spot by the door. Ha-ha
If you see someone in the crowd, and they are NOT shopping (read buying anything) but are just mingling with the crowd. If you see them redirect some ones cart/ overloaded shopping bag with their knees or if they just seem to be walking along right beside or behind someone like a second shadow. If they seem to do the exact movements (down to the breathing) of somebody half an aisle ahead of them, reaching for the shelves as they do, looking around as they are, scratching themselves....(yuck) If they are just standing around on one leg or walking around backwards...please do not call security might be a Systema guy training while the other half does the shopping. Anybody go to that airport in Vegas where everyone has to go into this very large room to get your baggage? Now that is a fun room. You not only get to dodge people but they are very tricky dragging large obstacles behind them( their baggage) for you to practice your rolling and turning and gate movements.

See you on the mat soon
Originally posted by MartialArtsChic

I did, however, nail a parking spot by the door. Ha-ha

Good job on the parking spot!

Mom and I were shopping at Kohls the other day, and one line was backed up because the cashier was waiting on a price check, so two older ladies with an armload of undies (i swear, that's all they had) cut in front of me and my mom. While the girl was ringing up their stuff, they kept reminding her of the sales, even though they'd come up on the monitor...:rolleyes: somepeople...

Today, I may venture to the perious Wal Mart or K-Mart in Elkton (they're right across the street from one another!) to finish shopping.

Worst part of the holiday season is the crowds of stupid people...
Originally posted by Brian
If you see someone in the crowd, and they are NOT shopping (read buying anything) but are just mingling with the crowd. If you see them redirect some ones cart/ overloaded shopping bag with their knees or if they just seem to be walking along right beside or behind someone like a second shadow. If they seem to do the exact movements (down to the breathing) of somebody half an aisle ahead of them, reaching for the shelves as they do, looking around as they are, scratching themselves....(yuck) If they are just standing around on one leg or walking around backwards...please do not call security might be a Systema guy training while the other half does the shopping.

I'm guessing this is because you've been there, done that?
I refuse to shop from Dec1 until Jan 5th.

Too many stupid, rude, insensitive, sumbitches out there. The few times I am forced to deal with them, I tend to make comments to the usefulness in macheties, and fragmentation grenades around such oafs. It often times tends to clear some breathing room around me.

I did on 1 occation loudly ask why the store built 16 registers, but only seemed to be able to run 3 at a time.


It wasn't well received.

Last night, I went christmas shopping after work. I went to Toys 'R Us and parked right next to the door. I found what I was looking for, got in a line with one person in front of me, and checked out!

Went to the mall, parked near the stairs, found everything I was looking for, never waited in line, and finished my christmas shopping in just about an hour total.

I went home completely and utterly confused about the universe and my position in it.

I went home completely and utterly confused about the universe and my position in it
Have you made any ritual sacrifices lately? Maybe saved the life of a wizard or something? That's the only explaination I can think of for your good fortune.

I've done most of my shopping while on the road this year. I pass by a couple of Wally Worlds in different towns during the night and since they have huge parking lots I'll wheel the truck in and do some shopping at 3:00 in the morning. The only thing scarier than Wally World shopping at christmas is Wally World shopping at christmas at 3:00 a.m. (weird people) Most truck stops have lots of neat gadgets and figurines and such for the last minute kinda thing.
Last year, on Christmas Day, some guy wanted to beat me up for parking too close to his car. But his car was just as close to the parking space line.

I was sitting in my truck with my son waiting for my wife to come back from the store, and he didn't know I was in the truck and was swearing with his girlfriend or whatever she was. Then he noticed I was sitting there and had to stare me down or what have you.

I mean, I would have been perfectly willing to back my truck out to make it easier if he had just asked...

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