How I spent my christmas gift card


Brown Belt
My parents were kind enough to give me an American Express gift-card for Christmas... and I wanted to use some of it for something other than putting gas in my truck...

So, yesterday, I took a little journey over to Best Buy... and did some DVD shopping...

Here's my bounty:

Once Upon A Time In China I-III

Fearless (Unedited Version)

Kung Fu - The Complete First Season

So Far, I've watched the Kung Fu pilot movie, the first two episodes, the first two Once Upon A Time In China's, and Fearless...

Thanks, Mom & Dad! You made your "little" boy happy!

Your Brother in the arts,

Lots of books!

All the Laurell Hamilton "Merideth Gentry" books for the wife, a few cookbooks, and the complete "Hammer's Slammers" vols. 1&2. Still have more left to spend.


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