Christians told to have more hot sex ...

tradrockrat & upnorthkyosa,

It is quite evident that "Jesus Christ" was a Jewish adaptation of the ubiquitious godman of the pagan Mystery Schools. However, I would be reluctant to attribute his construction from any one deity or personality. Rather, "Christianity" seems to have evolved gradually over time, being influenced by a multitude of different sources and traditions, and varying greatly from region to region.

As with biological organisms, I don't believe religions are just "created" or intelligently "designed". I believe they evolve incrementally over long stretches of time, inevitably reflecting the environment they find themselves in. This is the case with Christianity.

I seem to remember a painting that portrayed baby jesus in a hat weilding a magic wand.

Apparently, to what little I know, this was a common way to portray Jesus back in the day.

Can anyone guess who Jesus is being modeled after? ;)

David Blaine?

The Amazing Mumphrey?

Oh, I know, Gandalf the Grey!
tradrockrat & upnorthkyosa,

It is quite evident that "Jesus Christ" was a Jewish adaptation of the ubiquitious godman of the pagan Mystery Schools. However, I would be reluctant to attribute his construction from any one deity or personality. Rather, "Christianity" seems to have evolved gradually over time, being influenced by a multitude of different sources and traditions, and varying greatly from region to region.

Jesus was not a "Jewish adaptation" of anything; he was himself Jewish, and it was followers who declared his status and based a religion on his supposed words - not the Jews, who had nothing to do with it. It was the Romans who named him "King of the Jews" and crucified him - not the Jews, who, again, had nothing to do with it. Yes, Judaism had the concept of a Messiah - but Jesus did not meet the criteria set out for the Messiah, and Jews do not consider him to have been the Messiah.

I think that this thread has drifted rather far from the original post - which is stated clearly in the title - and should return there. Moderators, could you please split this thread to cover the different topics, if that seems appropriate?
Jesus was not a "Jewish adaptation" of anything; he was himself Jewish, and it was followers who declared his status and based a religion on his supposed words - not the Jews, who had nothing to do with it. It was the Romans who named him "King of the Jews" and crucified him - not the Jews, who, again, had nothing to do with it. Yes, Judaism had the concept of a Messiah - but Jesus did not meet the criteria set out for the Messiah, and Jews do not consider him to have been the Messiah.


My point was that "Jesus Christ" never existed in history. He is a mythical and literary composite, a hybrid of Judaic Platonism (a la Philo) with Hellenistic Mystery Religion (a la Dionysus).

As such, Jesus was about as "Jewish" as Hercules was "Greek".


My point was that "Jesus Christ" never existed in history. He is a mythical and literary composite, a hybrid of Judaic Platonism (a la Philo) with Hellenistic Mystery Religion (a la Dionysus).

As such, Jesus was about as "Jewish" as Hercules was "Greek".


And my point was that your attribution, as you yourself have admitted, was false. If what you said in your most recent post was what you meant in the previous one, it was not apparent.

Back to discussing hot Christian sex...
We've discussed the existence of Jesus in several other threads. We've all got opinions on that matter. But......

I agree, lets get back to sex. ;)
On the topic of Christian sex....

What of the topics of Christian Polygamy, or swinging?

Can one be a real Christian and be polygamous or partner swap?

I found this, which is turning out to be an interesting read.
Cats and dogs mating in the street AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!! :tantrum: :anic: :erg:

As an owner of both dogs and cats simultaneously, this is not a sign of the apocolypse, but rather daily life. Maybe not in the street, but certainly in front of the TV, which I find very irritating.

I would like to point out that the Catholic Church hasn't promulgated the "Sex only for procreation" schtick for decades. They're all for recreational sex in a marriage, but they're still against birth control, masturbation, and of course, non-marital sex.

I was RC for most of my life and was married in the church, so I have some inside knowledge, even if that was 14 years ago and I finished giving up religion entirely very soon afterwards.
As with everything in Scripture, Biblical teachings must be taken in context. The Bible teaches that sexual love is a beautiful, God-given gift, designed to be enjoyed within its intended context of marriage between a man and a woman. As one happily-married lady, I can tell ya that is a command of scripture that I'm glad to take literally (And thankfully. And rejoicingly. Hallelujah! Amen!)

That's right and thankfully we are down to only two sects preaching this, but it wasn't always so now was it? And I believe we are discussing where the historical hangups commonly associated with christians and sexual taboos come from. In that light my comments are right on.

Heretic - I agree with you which is why I said that much of christ was modeled on, though I perhaps should have said that they shared many attributes and that I am interested if thiese similarities ever became a liability after christianity became a strong force.

now where's the hot sex?????
On the topic of Christian sex....

What of the topics of Christian Polygamy, or swinging?

Can one be a real Christian and be polygamous or partner swap?

IMO, forcing monogamy on us has caused lots and lots or problems - but there's no way we will get women to go back to polygamy in most western cultures. They now feel they are each entitled to one man.

I'm definately a polygamist at heart: I truly have the ability to love several women simulataneously and monogamy is a hardship.

I believe swinging is wrong, however.
IMO, forcing monogamy on us has caused lots and lots or problems - but there's no way we will get women to go back to polygamy in most western cultures.

Guess we'll have to get men to try polyandry, then. :D
Yumm....... :D

As an aside, I've had neighbors through the years that praised God quite enthusiastically on numerous occasions.

Good stuff!!!!!

Fu Bag

Uh...yeah...sorry about that...

On the 700 Club some years ago I saw an episode where a woman was talking about her book on spicing up the sex in Christian marriage. It was wonderful seeing two beautiful demure, PERFECT women (not a hair out of place, make-up layered thickly, but with balance) talk for five minutes about sex, but not use these words: sex, lingerie, erotic, hot, orgasm, titillate, naughty, tease, toys, positions, ********, ***********, oral, anal, stimulate, ecstasy, or any of the various non-vulgar terms one uses to describe that which can not be named. Selah.

I got the biggest kick out of it. They used the word "passion" alone to describe to "spice up the passion," etc. They squirmed, trying to think of ways to carry on the interview without letting slip something that might be over the top...which would have been anything other than "passion." It was a hoot, and they essentially ended up saying a whole lot of nothing.

Some of the nastiest jokes I get are from a High School classmate who found Jesus. She sends me porn, essentially. Funny porn. I then forward it to the two devout Catholic doctors who send me like material. Occasionally a devout Catholic mother of three I know sends me off color adult-themed jokes...and every so often I note she includes her just recently turned 12 year old son. My sister is "born again," (which makes three times now, having found Jesus once before thirty years ago...apparently she misplaced him) and is every bit as crude with her humor as she always has been.

So when Fundamentalists rant and rave about the decline of American culture and demand that restrictions against nudity, porn, strip clubs, etc. be emplaced and enforced, I realize why they do it. They see the fringes of their flock falling for this stuff. I'm not so sure they're worried about the heathens (such as myself) as they are about the people within their fold.

One young man I know who qualifies as a Fundy suggested I see the movie "A History of Violence," with Viggo Mortenson. The violence aside, this was an extremely erotic movie, with the first "69" oral sex scene I'd ever seen in a mainstream film. I couldn't believe this youngster suggested the film to me, or that his parents didn't screen it first.

By the way, in writing this, I note that two words used to describe oral sex were nailed by the editor. These terms are used in the scientific literature and throughout academia and the justice system. I'll suggest here Bob remove them from the filter, as they're hardly nasty.



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