Well if there was a reason for troops staying in Iraq... here's another one.Thousands of Christians flee killings in Mosul
By Leila Fadel, McClatchy Newspapers Sat Oct 11, 6:43 PM ET
BAGHDAD — Christians in Mosul are fleeing their homes after a spate of killings this week that left 12 Christians dead in one of the largest Christian communities in Iraq .
The killings follow large protests by the community last month against the passage of the provincial elections law. An article that would give representation to Christians and other minorities was removed from the law before its passage.
Now the last safe haven for Christians is gone, said Canon Andrew White the vicar of St. George's church in Baghdad .
After a spree of killings and forced evictions of Iraqi Christians in Baghdad last year, many fled to Mosul . But even there they could not escape the danger. In February of this year the Archbishop Paulos Faraj Raho of Mosul was kidnapped and killed.
"Christians are being killed in the only place they felt safe, in Ninevah," White said, referring to the province of which Mosul is the capital. "This is where they fled to and now there's no safe place for them."
Protecting the innocent, who are being persecuted simply because they aren't Muslims. Sad, but not unexpected. There are still radical Muslims loose in the world who think the old ways should be adhered to.
This group makes their appearance which is interesting in of by itself.
Had to look it up because I'd never heard of it... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_the_Rights_of_Man_and_of_the_CitizenThe Hammurabi Association for Human Rights released a statement demanding international attention to the assassinations of Christians likening it to "genocide."
Either way... something says this is just going to get worse.
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