Chinese Wushu - Stances, Kicks, Hand Strikes:


Master Black Belt
Here's a "basic" compiled list of the various Stances, Kicks, Hand Strikes etc... encountered in CMA, feel free to add more to it as well. Its just a rough draft.

基本步型 - Basic Stances
弓步 - Gong Bu (Front Stance)
馬步 - Ma Bu (Horse Stance)
仆步(腿) - Pu Bu (tui) (Slide Stance)
跨虎 - Kua Hu (Dan Zhik) (Riding Tiger)
七星步 - Qi Xing Bu (7 Stars Stance)
歇步 - Xie Bu (Rest Stance) - (Cross Stance)
丁步 - Ding Bu (T Stance)
併步 - Ba Bu (Feet together stance)
跪步 - Gui Bu (Kneeling stance) (環) (Huan-Surround)
吊馬 - Diao Ma (Single Leg Hanging Stance)
中步 - Zhong Bu (Middle Stance)

基本腿型- Basic Leg Kicks
正腿- Zheng Tui (Front Kick)
弹腿- Tan Tui (Spring Kick)
侧腿- Ce Tui (Side Kick)
正蹬腿- Zheng Deng Tui (Front Push Kick)
里合腿- Li He Tui (Inner Crescent)
摆莲脚- Bai Lian Jiao (Outer Crescent)
拍脚腿- Pai Jiao Tui (Clapping Foot Kick)
旋风脚- Xuan Feng Jiao (Tornado Kick)
旋子腿- Xuan Zi Tui (Butterfly Kick)
前扫腿- Qian Sau Tui (Forward Sweep)
后扫腿- Hou Sau Tui (Back Sweep)
跌竖叉- Die Shu Cha (Land Front Split)

基本手型- Basic Hand Positions
拳- Quan (Fist)
钩手- Gou Shou (Hooking Hand)
劈捶(拳)- Pi Chui (Quan) Chopping Fist
圈捶- Quan (Hyun) Chui - Circle Punch
穿掌- Chuan Zhang - Pierce Palm
插掌- Cha Zhang - Downward Palm
劈掌- Pi Zhang - Chopping Palm
拍掌- Pai Zhang - Clapping Palm
鹰爪- Ying Zhao - Eagle Claw
鹰爪掌- Ying Zhao Zhang - Eagle Claw Palm
虎爪- Hu Zhao - Tiger Claw
豹捶- Bao Chui - Leopard Fist
great list. I like the pinyin and chinese words.

would things like wu sao (wu shou?) be considered a hand position or technique?
How about phoenix eye or ginger fist?
this could be quite an exhaustive list, but I'm sure some techniques will overlap because they may fit in the same "family" of principle use.
形意拳 - Xingyiquan (damned addiction :D)

三體式 - Santi Shi - Three Body Posture, Trinity Posture
站桩- Zhan zhuang - standing like a post

劈拳 – Piquan – Chopping fist
鑽拳 – Zuanquan – Drilling fist
崩拳 – Bengquan – Crushing fist
炮拳 – Paoquan – Cannon fist
橫拳 – Hengquan – Crossing fist
great list. I like the pinyin and chinese words.

would things like wu sao (wu shou?) be considered a hand position or technique?
How about phoenix eye or ginger fist?
this could be quite an exhaustive list, but I'm sure some techniques will overlap because they may fit in the same "family" of principle use.

Yea, I standardized everything into Hand Positions or Shou Xing as opposed to blocks, punches, palms, etc...


凤眼拳 - Feng Yan Quan (Phoenix eye fist)
I'm guessing 姜拳 Jiang Quan (Would be Ginger fist, havent used the word too much)

As for W.C. Terms I'll post some...
永春手法 W.C. Sau Faat: Yong Chun Shou Fa
膀手-Bong Sau (Bang Shou) wing hand
拍手-Pak Sau (Pai Shou) Parry, beat hand
伏手-Fuk Sau (Fu Shou) Subdue, cover hand
攤手-Tan Sau (Tan Shou) Disperse hand
問手-Man Sau (Wen Shou) Asking hand
護手-Wu Sau (Hu Shou) Protecting hand
扣手-Kao Sau (Kou Shou) Framing hand
沉手-Jaam Sau (Chen Shou) Cutting hand
耕手-Gaan Sau (Geng Shou) Ploughing hand
窒手-Jat Sau (Zhi Shou) Obstructing hand
圈手-Huen Sau (Juan Shou) Circle hand
拉手-Lap Sau (La Shou) Pulling hand
托手-Tok Sau (Tuo Shou) upward Supporting hand
攔手-Lan Sau (Lan Shou) Obstructing, stopping hand
提手-Tiu Sau (Di Shou) Raising hand
鏢手-Biu Sau (Biao Shou) Thrusting, darting hand
撳手-Gum Sau (Qin Shou) Pressing hand
抱牌掌-Po Pai Jiang (Bao Pai Zhang) Conjoining palm
滾手-Kwan Sau (Gun Shou) Bracing hand
横掌-Waang Jiang (Heng Zhang) Horizontal palm
接手-Jip Sau (Jie Shou) Catching hand

Just some of the techniques...

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