My background includes traditional and modern cma - not san da. My focus is traditional northern cma supplemented by regular classes in modern wushu. I don't like to give out a lot of information on the internet.
OK Here we go I have trained mostly Traditional Yang style Taijiquan (13 years) and I also train Police/Military Sanda (about a year) and I have trained about 2 years each (but no longer train) Chen style Taijiquan and Hebei Xingyiquan. I have training in JMA and KMA prior to that for a total of a bit over 30 years. Your turn, exactly what northern styles have you trained and for how long? Without this I see no reason to continue any discussion with you nor take any of this post seriously.
As for my agenda it is simply to point out the truth. You obviously didn't read that page too closely so I will post the relevant links right here for you:
And as was mentioned over on that other page: if you try the excuse of "well it was just krotty uniform 'cuz no one knew about traditional wushu" then you are using the "shaolin-do" excuse. Suppose I was a kenpo karate person that you knew in your personal life. Suppose you lost touch with me for a year. After a year you see that I'm teaching a cma that no one has ever heard of with moves that look an awful lot like the kenpo I did. It's only been a year so it's not too likely I mastered a traditional cma in that amount of time. When you ask about the history of my art you find that there is none and furthermore there is no lineage. What would you think? All these points are brought up over at that other page.
What the hell are you talking about? You are making more than a few rather way off assumptions about me here, try reading some of my past posts you may get the picture there. And what on earth does uniform have to do with anything. Put a Chinese MA uniform on someone that does TKD does not make it Chinese it makes it TKD in a Chinese outfit.
And what do I or anyone else know about the back grounds of anyone on the other page. Quote a verifiable source and I would have an easier time of believing it.
There is no controversy. "San soo" is fake made-up kenpo it is NOT a chinese martial art and will not be accepted as such in 30-40 years.
I never made any comment about San soo either way now have I? As to Kempo/Kenpo of course it is not a Chinese MA its origins come from China but it is not Chinese.
You can't pick apart my posts, you never could. Thanks for trying. And to further make my point I'll add that I've been doing qigong in a big way(under several high-level teachers) since 1997. I started northern shaolin at age 11. I quit at 17 when I moved and I went back to traditional northern cma in the year 2000. Since 01 I have also been doing modern wushu.
I really don’t need to pick apart your posts you are doing a good job of that all by yourself.
Your Qigong training, not sure why you threw that in but ok Who were your high level teachers? Who were their teachers? And what Style or Styles of Qigong do you train? I have trained Taoist Qigong and some Tibetan but I no longer train either I train only the Qigong that applies to my CMA styles with the exception of Ba Duan Gin which I have trained for years
I find it funny that you think a non-sport style like military san da could ever beat an accomplished sport competitor. Maybe we could make an exception here because the military art has groundfighting while the sport does not. But the idea that the will to hurt someone even matters is a sad pathetic joke that was debunked in the early UFCs. I'll take a sport BJJ player against any "eye-gouge trained" traditionalist every single time. That's why judo beat jujitsu a long time ago in japan. Ju-jitsu had all the deadly moves. The problem was it didn't have the athletes.
Okie dokie now it makes sense a MMA vs. TMA thingy again or a Sport vs. traditional. And for some reason you are big on Wushu over real live TCMA as well. I am guessing it is your main stay of training in CMA.
You honestly believe that a person trained in the Chinese Military in Sanda would not have a chance against a sports MAist that is pretty funny.
I love this statement used by many as justification (this is a meaningless statement you have made here by the way)
Let me ask you how often in sports Sanda or any sports MA is it ok to step on someone’s knee and break it. It is trained in Police/Military Sanda. Sports Sanda has all of the Qinna removed and many of the more painful Shuaijiao moves that are in Police/Military Sanda and as you have already stated ground fighting is pretty much gone to. You really need to read up on Police/Military Sanda.
Again I don't care that traditional cma was designed for fighting. I love how you toss out these meaningless statements to support your arguments. Wow I'm shocked. I didn't know that. Again - San Da is what you do if you want to apply your traditional cma in fighting if you want to be able to do it against todays elite athletes. If all you want to do is beat up some guy on a corner who doesn't train hard that you're right you don't need it. People back in the day including my sifu's teachers could apply their stuff but there's no way they could face skiilled mma competitors of today without doing san da or some type of mma first. That's not an insult to them it's just the way things are.
I have said time and time again in multiple posts on MT that Sports MAist train VERY hard and if a Traditional MAist trained equally as hard they would be equally as effective but sadly most traditional maist do not train as hard as sports MAist.
And if you are looking for meaningless statements you might want to start reading your own posts. A few contradictory ones as well but I will get to that in a minute.
BTW I know how military san da was developed after the chinese got smacked down in h2h during the border war with the soviets in the late 60s or so. Everyone knows that. I'm not even a san da competitor and I know that.
Then why have you give at least 2 different origins already. The second one is right by the way.
Again in terms of fighting modern(sport) wushu is dancing. But the basics of stances and especially kicks are all there. And my experience is that modern wushu coaches know a LOT more about efficient training methods( plyometrics etc.) than traditional people. Of course they don't know qigong but that can be learned.
As to the basic kicks sure a kick is pretty much a kick but the focus is lacking in Wushu as to stances nope sorry they are only there externally there is no internal and they tend to be hollow. And of course modern Wushu coaches know more about polymeric, they have to they do not generally know traditional training methods which if you had actually done you would know are rather hard which is why more go for Wushu that Traditional.
And you still have not answered any of my questions and I find this rather interesting.
You said in another post that Wushu was for all intensive purposes an undergraduate program for TCMA which is incorrect you said in the post initially
Modern wushu teaches the athleticism necessary to learn any real cma that is not wing chun
And I have asked why you said this and why Wing Chun was different in your opinion.
You now say
OK then it is equally as helpful at learning TCMA as is Ballet Dancing. Or is it as you previously said
necessary to learn any real cma
I would not say Ballet was necessary, it could help, there is a lot of strength and flexibility needed for Ballet but I would not say it is necessary