Chinese mythology origin?


Purple Belt
Jun 15, 2009
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ny, ny
Hello everyone:

*bows deeply*

Vaugue/tough question perhaps.

I was curious if anyone knew the origins of Chinese mythology? Specifically if it can be answered: was it mostly from the North? South? all over the country?

Thank you.

Very truly yours in the MA,

It's Chinese.... with roughly a history of 4000 years it comes form inside and outside of what we now call China...and that is about as close as you are going to get.

Any specific myth you have in mind
It's Chinese.... with roughly a history of 4000 years it comes form inside and outside of what we now call China...and that is about as close as you are going to get.

Any specific myth you have in mind

Xie Xie Xue Sheng!

I figured as much, but wanted to ask just in case. A friend was under the impression that most if not all the Chinese Myths came from North of the Yellow River.

No, no specific myth in mind.

Thank you again!
Xie Xie Xue Sheng!

I figured as much, but wanted to ask just in case. A friend was under the impression that most if not all the Chinese Myths came from North of the Yellow River.

No, no specific myth in mind.

Thank you again!

bu xie

It is really hard to say since the culture is over 4000 years old with multiple dynasties that originate from both north and south and the population was mobile, especially during a dynastic change. And there are also multiple minorities that make up China as well. You also have the occasional invader from outside of what was consider China at the time and then you get Buddhist influences that come from India and you have a rather impressive mix of mythology.
you might look to the wu shamans which some scholars
Think descended from areas of Russia and Mongolia.
Depending on the myth though I know the creation myth
Has gone through some changes. Some myths did not
Show up till much later. Dragons and phoniex are good examples of myths that changed.
Thank you everyone, especially Xue Sheng, you said it way more eloquently than i would've but yeah, that was what i thought.
I think chinese mythology is truely origin, all of this sammurais, all this clans and battles, immortal ninjas and so on, it's realy nice basment to create a lot of nice myths...;)
I think chinese mythology is truely origin, all of this sammurais, all this clans and battles, immortal ninjas and so on, it's realy nice basment to create a lot of nice myths...;)

Except there are no Ninja's or Samurai in Chinese history or mythology. There are clans and there were battles but no ninja or Samurai in China
Aaah, maan, I'm just can't agree with you, so many stories and so many film's was filmed about shiogun wariors and i think that the roots of spirituality nin-jutsu and all the combat systems, to be found in ancient China and Tibet. Doesn't it ?
Aaah, maan, I'm just can't agree with you, so many stories and so many film's was filmed about shiogun wariors and i think that the roots of spirituality nin-jutsu and all the combat systems, to be found in ancient China and Tibet. Doesn't it ?

Nope, sorry, no such mythology in ancient China or Tibet, no shiogun (Shogun) warriors, no spirituality nin-jutsu, sorry, no mythological or historical link... In Japan yes you will find Samurai, Shogun and ninjutsu but not in China or Tibet.
Aaah, maan, I'm just can't agree with you, so many stories and so many film's was filmed about shiogun wariors and i think that the roots of spirituality nin-jutsu and all the combat systems, to be found in ancient China and Tibet. Doesn't it ?

No. There's nothing showing a direct connection between China & Japan concerning ninjutsu. There are stories & oral traditions but nothing showing direct connection.

I've heard stories about a massive lumberjack & his pet blue ox from Canada, but yet I've never seen evidence him. But it was a good story none the less.
No. There's nothing showing a direct connection between China & Japan concerning ninjutsu. There are stories & oral traditions but nothing showing direct connection.

I've heard stories about a massive lumberjack & his pet blue ox from Canada, but yet I've never seen evidence him. But it was a good story none the less.
Paul Bunyan is Canadian? First I've heard that.
Paul Bunyan is Canadian? First I've heard that.

Paul Bunyan

James Stevens wrote a book called Paul Bunyan in 1925. This book said that French Canadians people made up the Paul Bunyan stories during the Papineau Rebellion of 1837, when they were fighting against England. This would explain why Paul Bunyan's last name is "Bunyan", because "Bunyan" sounds like the French-Canadian slang word "Bonyenne", which is something that they might say when they are surprised, like how people who speak English might say "Good Grief" or "My Goodness". People told other people stories about Bunyan, and the stories would change a little bit as they spread from person to person. Often, Paul Bunyan is shown in pictures with a giant blue ox named Babe. Historians think that Babe was not created until the 20th century for advertising.
Whoever made him up, he's always been from somewhere up in the northern part of the USA, mostly Minnesota. Can't let those dirty Canadians mess with the guy who dug out the Grand Canyon! :D
Whoever made him up, he's always been from somewhere up in the northern part of the USA, mostly Minnesota. Can't let those dirty Canadians mess with the guy who dug out the Grand Canyon! :D

In that I completely agree....I've never trusted Canada...sitting up there...north of us.... acting all happy and content......That just ain't American :D
Yeah, trying to narrow down the origin of Chinese mythology to anything more precise than "China" is like asking "where did the mythology of Europe and the Middle East come from?" You're asking about innumerable stories created and passed around by countless anonymous story tellers from many ethnic groups spread out over thousands of miles over a period of millennia.
Whoever made him up, he's always been from somewhere up in the northern part of the USA, mostly Minnesota. Can't let those dirty Canadians mess with the guy who dug out the Grand Canyon! :D

I thought that was Pecos Bill when he lasso'd a tornado for a ride?