Chinese Father Hires Hitmen to Kill His Son...


but I had t the notion that actions like that strain the family relationship.
Like an adult child sitting on his lazy **** all day doesn't! :lol:

(but as I understand in China many people do play in online cafes, since they do not own a computer...that would make it difficult to unplug and do away with the offending machine, this hiring hitmen. I think it was a creative idea!)

but I had t the notion that actions like that strain the family relationship.
Like an adult child sitting on his lazy **** all day doesn't! :lol:

(but as I understand in China many people do play in online cafes, since they do not own a computer...that would make it difficult to unplug and do away with the offending machine, this hiring hitmen. I think it was a creative idea!)

There was an article on Wired(?) not too long ago about a young Korean man who had similar issues with his parents. He dropped out of school to become a professional gamer and predictably his parents had a lot of concerns about that career choice. I sort of empathize more with that guy. At least he has a dream. Not knowing the full story about the Chinese son, it seems like he's just aimless at the moment like a Far East Reality Bites kind of thing.
I first read this story a month or so ago and my thought was...BRILIANT!!!!

It may do nothing for the father son relationship and the boys school but it does open up a whole new career avenue for game addicts...cyber hit man
There was an article on Wired(?) not too long ago about a young Korean man who had similar issues with his parents. He dropped out of school to become a professional gamer and predictably his parents had a lot of concerns about that career choice. I sort of empathize more with that guy. At least he has a dream. Not knowing the full story about the Chinese son, it seems like he's just aimless at the moment like a Far East Reality Bites kind of thing.

well, the dropping out of school part may have had something to do with the parental concern....

Since Blizzard now implemented real money auction houses in at least one game...there is now real earning power potential in mom's basement!
(again, there have been 'gold farmers' in the past, I think they qualified as professional gamers...very unpopular in-game...I think the cyber hitman would ahve more respect in the community)
What on earth is he playing that allows overleveled players to PVP underleveled?
What on earth is he playing that allows overleveled players to PVP underleveled?

In the Wonderful World of Warcraft it's called ganking.
Unless you are on a sissy role playing realm, red = dead. Meaning, the guy from the other faction is fair game to attack (some restrictions do apply).
You might not gain anything from killing the lowby, but you can off him non the less.
(but considering the options it would be a major PITA to stalk a guy who can play around 50 different characters on a couple hundred different servers....)

Plus of course, once you revive, you have only half health, lost a few buffs....or you spirit res at the cost of 75% of your abilities, broken armor, etc....

An ambitious and possibly expensive proposition to sour the game play for the son this way though....
In the Wonderful World of Warcraft it's called ganking.
Unless you are on a sissy role playing realm, red = dead. Meaning, the guy from the other faction is fair game to attack (some restrictions do apply).
You might not gain anything from killing the lowby, but you can off him non the less.
(but considering the options it would be a major PITA to stalk a guy who can play around 50 different characters on a couple hundred different servers....)

Plus of course, once you revive, you have only half health, lost a few buffs....or you spirit res at the cost of 75% of your abilities, broken armor, etc....

You know how I know you're a nerd? :bangahead:
In the Wonderful World of Warcraft it's called ganking.
Unless you are on a sissy role playing realm, red = dead. Meaning, the guy from the other faction is fair game to attack (some restrictions do apply).
You might not gain anything from killing the lowby, but you can off him non the less.
(but considering the options it would be a major PITA to stalk a guy who can play around 50 different characters on a couple hundred different servers....)

Plus of course, once you revive, you have only half health, lost a few buffs....or you spirit res at the cost of 75% of your abilities, broken armor, etc....

An ambitious and possibly expensive proposition to sour the game play for the son this way though....

I work with a guy that got really into these games and you are talking about what he enjoyed doing. He basically played to off others...he was a Cyberspace hit man... he is now retired
I work with a guy that got really into these games and you are talking about what he enjoyed doing. He basically played to off others...he was a Cyberspace hit man... he is now retired

As put in the iconic MMPORPG anime .Hack/Sign.....(I know I forgot a fre slashes...) 'Praya Killa' in the wonderful Japanese original

Or as the other character in the game said: you gotta find the way you enjoy playing the game....

Of course there was a major case of nerd rage just the other day: Some kid (I am assuming...) took full advantage of the localities (like phasing into a private zone) to get the opposition thoroughly creamed, by means of NPC....amusing, really!
As put in the iconic MMPORPG anime .Hack/Sign.....(I know I forgot a fre slashes...) 'Praya Killa' in the wonderful Japanese original

Or as the other character in the game said: you gotta find the way you enjoy playing the game....

Of course there was a major case of nerd rage just the other day: Some kid (I am assuming...) took full advantage of the localities (like phasing into a private zone) to get the opposition thoroughly creamed, by means of NPC....amusing, really!

Since the guy I know is a certified Network Engineer, PC tech, web master and security specialist...he was REAL dangerous.. no rage required...just a minor lack of sanity
Since the guy I know is a certified Network Engineer, PC tech, web master and security specialist...he was REAL dangerous.. no rage required...just a minor lack of sanity

LOL, no, the rage comes in when the kids find themselves running back to the corpses time and time again....
I think the killing part involves more maniacal laughter :D

(And they did not kindly to me telling them to quit whining....after all, they signed on to play on a 'PvP-Player Vs Player' realm....can't stand the heat? Go Role Playing! :D)
I am mean, I know.
In the Wonderful World of Warcraft it's called ganking.
Unless you are on a sissy role playing realm, red = dead. Meaning, the guy from the other faction is fair game to attack (some restrictions do apply).
You might not gain anything from killing the lowby, but you can off him non the less.
(but considering the options it would be a major PITA to stalk a guy who can play around 50 different characters on a couple hundred different servers....)

Plus of course, once you revive, you have only half health, lost a few buffs....or you spirit res at the cost of 75% of your abilities, broken armor, etc....

An ambitious and possibly expensive proposition to sour the game play for the son this way though....

I thought WoW gated levels for nonconsentual PVP? I can barely remember. Ill take your word for it :)
I thought WoW gated levels for nonconsentual PVP? I can barely remember. Ill take your word for it :)

you just don't get 'honor points' as reward. But sometimes ticking off the other person is reward enough! :D
(plus, if you kill them enough they will have a res timer...and will have to wait a few minutes...)