china trips

  • Thread starter Thread starter theneuhauser
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although its not usually necessary for ones growth or development, many people take trips to china or other asian nations. some go just to soak up modern culture and see the country and others go for specific training.

i would like to know from all of you that have taken such an excursion. tell me briefly about the school of of ma that you practiced at the time and what type of experience you had. where did you leave from? and how long did you stay?
thats to bad man, i hear that its a pretty diverse and beautiful place. because ive never been there, im curious not only about travelling and training, but also the condition of traditional kung fu in modern china. i have heard that the old arts are falling by the wayside as masters get older and modern wushu continues to be popular.
One of the students from my studio went to China last year on tour. She wanted to see the sights, and check into 'studying' with our Sifu's Sifu. Well, the word came back that many of the Masters have moved away from China had are settling in Australia and Canada primarily. The systems have been under review by the Government, and mostly 'standardized' material is the 'suggestion' the Government gives for teaching.

She couldn't find our Sifu's Master because he had gone on to Canada. Sifu actually chuckled when he found out she was looking for him, because Sifu's Master had moved from China yeasrs ago, and without a letter of introduction, he wouldn't work with her anyway.

It's too bad many are leaving China, but it is also our benfit if they come to the US or an area nearby.

Cheers -

governments should not suppress martial arts schools. its crazy to think that a country like china, that fostered the development of the vast majority of martial arts systems, should be the nation that now stifles it. its like denying your own culture. one of the very negative sides of communism, i guess.
I'm chinese and I went back to see my family (the rest of my family) last summer and I got welcome presents..... from mosquitoes, bitten 30 (yes, exactly 30, I got 2 bites in Los Angeles and 4 in Memphis airport), it sucked, my cousin threatened to kill me, lol.

Anyways, I saw a Kung Fu school there, I couldn't watch because I was suppose to be home, it was a private school, because it was small and had only about 10 students and 1 teacher, this was in Shanghai btw.
I' ve done this, but I hear it's helpful, since their are so many temples, not to mention the famous Shaolin temple in Henan. So if you believe in enlightenment; then if you meditate, study, and train at these temples, you may get enlightened. It's also nice to visit the birthplace of the martial arts you study.
theneuhauser asks:
i would like to know from all of you that have taken such an excursion. tell me briefly about the school of of ma that you practiced at the time and what type of experience you had. where did you leave from? and how long did you stay?

My instructor and several students just returned from a trip to the temple. They worked with some of the monks outside the temple, and it is my understanding that it has been done that way for age's. The temple grounds is where they do the MA's, and the temple is where they practice religious pursuit's. They were there for 9 days, and left from LAX. I don't know about the connections, however. :) :cool:
are you going next time?

If I can, I will!! The only reason I didn't go this year was because my son was having some surgery. :wah:
oh yeah, for his spina what tha fudge?

did it go well? hows he doing?:confused:
theneuhauser says:
Oh yeah, for his spina what tha fudge?

In a roundabout sense, yes. He was also born with only one kidney, which failed. While we waited for a donor kidney, they implanted a 'balloon' device in his upper right arm to make it easier to dialyse(remove, clean, and replace) his blood. Following his transplant three years ago, they should have removed the shunt from his arm, just 'never got around to it'. As the shunt was similar to plastic, it started to expand with the blood passing through it. It had gotten big enough to be a real nuisance and in the way when he did most things invoving his arm. And, it could have been dangerous, had he gotten it punctured, as it was directly attached to the large artery in his arm and he could easily have bled out in a matter of about 30 seconds! It also would have been a real 'pain' for him in the martial arts-which he is going to start next month, with my instructor. This is something that he has been looking forward to for some time, now, and will be able to learn-as much as he can, which is considerable. I've seen a person confined to a wheelchair do a demonstration of martial arts from his chair, and it is awesome!! I've told him that it will mean work, but he's not afraid of that, so he should enjoy his martial arts training and skills. :cool:

Lance Hyatt