Chicago Dojo Wars

As time goes by the story always changes. I'm sure by now it's reached epic proportions but it will be interesting to hear.

Thanx for taking the time and effort to dig it up.
didn't mean to sound bitchy misinterpeted
your c**p sentence. As i said well return to this thread if I can get the information
Change of subject just looked across the street and there is a moose standing n front of the police station. Damn either I am hullusinating or this town I live in is getting stranger. Wounder if they will give it a ticket for not putting money in the parking meter
Aka Shadow
I too appreciate your looking into this matter. How do you go
about contacting these agencies?

have you truly eaten moose before (not mouse) Gou?
I have eaten many things...including but not limited to:
Deer, Elk, Moose, Yak, Bison, Boar, Ostrich, Emmu, Rabbit, Snake and more. If it has walked, crawled, or fallen on God's green earth at one point then I have taken a bite out of it most likely.

I love flesh.
The three that I mentioned have e-mail addresses. The paper and libary will have arcival search abilities would think Black Belt Mag.would also . Might cost a little I think its $20 for the paper not sure on the others.
Seems like the moose just wanderd into town down one of the side street to main st. The Game warrden finaly had to knock it down with a medical dart. Darn thing stayed at the side of the police station for over 3 hours. They will let it lose somewhere in the wood.
I'm definatley intrested in hearing what you find out. Too bad you can't challenge schools anymore there's a load of mcdojo's in my town that should be weeded out.:D
But I guess there good for kids.
Too bad you can't challenge schools anymore there's a load of mcdojo's in my town that should be weeded out.

I totally agree!
Originally posted by fist of fury
I'm definatley intrested in hearing what you find out. Too bad you can't challenge schools anymore there's a load of mcdojo's in my town that should be weeded out.:D
But I guess there good for kids.

Sorry, I don't believe that they could be good for kids. If the intenstion (sp?) is wrong from the start, ie. scraping alot of money to the owner, then this will reflect in everything else. I don't want my kids to be influenced by that.
Originally posted by Yari

Sorry, I don't believe that they could be good for kids. If the intenstion (sp?) is wrong from the start, ie. scraping alot of money to the owner, then this will reflect in everything else. I don't want my kids to be influenced by that.

Yeah I guess your right. I was thinking those as more of an exercise class/day care. But most of the mcdojo instructors tell thier students what they teach is applicable to self defense. I shall go punish myself. :D
Originally posted by fist of fury

I shall go punish myself. :D

OK :D :boing2: LOL... You could try and inflict a dobble armbare lock with a single slap kick , done with a pain crusher.... and then send in the picture....... ;-)
Originally posted by Yari

OK :D :boing2: LOL... You could try and inflict a dobble armbare lock with a single slap kick , done with a pain crusher.... and then send in the picture....... ;-)

While attempting to take the picture myself I ended up get my head stuck in my @ss again.:D
To anyone interested if you go to the site for Black Belt Magizine and use there search with the listing John Keehan you will find a number of articles about the man. The one everyone is interested in is #4.
Still have not recieved replys from the Chicago paper, will notify you if and when I do.
I was wrong about some of the facts but still think I have seen another version of the story. Anyway this one seems to be more resonable.
Checkout the first(#1) article also. This man was deffinately out there somewhere in his own world
You did it! That was the detailed info I was looking for!
AWESOME! Thanks for the info!
Yo Kirk! You asked this same question in another forum and I thought I gave a fairly complete analysis. As John Keehan was an instructor under Robert Trias' association- you may find out more about what actually went down by researching the topic in "karate"- particularly "Japanese Karate" forums, where the folks who were there might actually be. If you you are that interested in the pursuit of that topic, find some of the descendants of the school (I understand that John Keehan aka Count Dante promoted about 250 to black belt- surely many are still around!).

I'll poke around a bit, and I'll let you know if I find a direction that looks fruitful.

I did ask the same question in several forums, but could never
find out DETAILED facts about it. Most of what I got was "there
was a fight at a dojo in chicago ... Count Dante, who's not really
a count was there, his buddy died, Dante felt like crap about
it". So I tried here, and to my luck, I got so much more of
the details of what actually happened. ... And I appreciate it!

I'm just one of those types of guys that loves hearing the details
of stories. When someone tells me a personal story, after they're
done, I always go "okay, so lets back up here .. and I ask like
a billion questions, as the story is painted in my head" ... it's
anal, I know ... but it's me.
Originally posted by vincefuess
John Keehan aka Count Dante promoted about 250 to black belt- surely many are still around

I wonder what became of them! I wonder if any are still teaching his art or if they have all changed to something else (either studying a new art or renaming his to something else). One apparently is Ashida Kim.
Man, even before I posted the message, the answer was there for you!! That's what I call service. Very interesting link, I enjoyed reading all of it.

As to the Ashida Kim link- I'm not sure whether to laugh or be afraid. It's too realistic to be a joke, yet too stupid to be real.

Originally posted by vincefuess
Man, even before I posted the message, the answer was there for you!! That's what I call service. Very interesting link, I enjoyed reading all of it.

As to the Ashida Kim link- I'm not sure whether to laugh or be afraid. It's too realistic to be a joke, yet too stupid to be real.

Yes he calims he an actual ninja. When I was youmger I was dumb enough to buy into his hype. I still have some of his books.