Chicago Cops, the best, the brightest, the YOUNGEST?


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Chicago police arrested a 14-year-old boy for allegedly impersonating one of their own Saturday.

The boy, who has been charged as a juvenile for impersonating an officer, walked into the Grand Crossing District station, 7040 S. Cottage Grove Ave., dressed in a Chicago police uniform, police spokeswoman Monique Bond said. The boy, who reported for duty about 1:30 p.m., partnered with another police officer for about five hours.

The boy identified himself as an officer from another district but was detailed for the day to Grand Crossing and also was savvy enough to sign out a police radio and a ticket book, according to a source. The source also said the boy went on traffic stops with the officer he went on the street with.

Bond said the boy "did not write tickets" and said there was "no information to indicate that he [was] ever behind the wheel.",0,6467334.story

Apparently he has done this and gotten away with it in the past...

All I can say is "Nice Detective work, Lou!"

Scary... And really makes Chicago PD look bad. (Who doesn't raise an issue with a guy hitting the streets without a gun?! :eek: :rolleyes:)

Fortunately, couldn't happen where I work. We're too small & everyone knows everyone else.
I want to know where he got a service gun? Since most of Chicago is no private firearms ownership.
Just another embarrassment to add to the list. I'd love to see a picture of this kid. Fourteen is very young, how old could he look? Part of me wants to LMAO, the other part, *facepalm*.
I saw this. It's shouldn't be possible. How big is a given precinct? Can't you know all the officers there if you're in charge of assignments?
That makes me happy... and sad for the kid's partner. I wonder who is responsible for letting this kid go on the street.