
I can understand when we were young, we cross trained this style and that style. Do we still care about the term "style" at our age?

One of my favor drills is:

- hook punch,
- back fist,
- uppercut,
- roundhouse kick,
- turn side kick,
- spin back fist,
- hook punch,
- front kick.

When I do that, I truly don't know/care what style that I'm doing (as long as I enjoy what I'm doing).
I can understand when we were young, we cross trained this style and that style. Do we still care about the term "style" at our age?

One of my favor drills is:

- hook punch,
- back fist,
- uppercut,
- roundhouse kick,
- turn side kick,
- spin back fist,
- hook punch,
- front kick.

When I do that, I truly don't know/care what style that I'm doing (as long as I enjoy what I'm doing).
Basically, I train what I like, for the reasons I decide to train them. And, I enjoy them
Started working with Chen silk reeling again. There is a Chen guy, or there was a Chen guy, about 30 minutes North of me. Use to do push hands with him pre-pandemic. Might see if he is still around and get back to Laojia Yilu. We trained in the same lineage, although admittedly I am not in that lineage, never acknowledged as such by any shifu. What I learned just came from the same source. He however is in that lineage, to Chen Zhenglei
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