Chen Tai Chi martial arts form by Laura Bonthuis


White Belt
Laura Bonthuis is my girlfriend and a Dutch martial arts practitioner. Besides martial arts she was a very good Badminton player and won many tournaments and titles. She practised full contact kickboxing under a famous Dutch teacher Wim Scharrenberg ( brother of Koen Scharrenberg a Kyokushinkai Karate master ). Eventually Laura started getting interest in Chinese martial arts and practised Shaolin Martial Arts like: Kungfu, Sanda and Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

This is a Shaolin version of Chen Taijiquan Xinjia by Laura Bonthuis from the Netherlands:

Question, where does Xinjia Shaolin Chen come from?

Chen family has Xinjia Yilu and Xinjia Erlu, never heard Xinjia Shaolin Chen before

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