Cheaper then Rattan But will it work?

Any change that you will be coming to a tourament this weekend Maybe you can help judge for a few. The team I train on is putting the tourament On. Anyway have you stopped by the school where guru teaches at now the school on 10 an Hoover. Master Barker Is a good guy you should check out his site sometime.

Also this summer Guru Carlton will be having a one day camp for arnis this summer at the Hoover Place I will let you know when it is.
Loading your sticks with linseed oil will help them last longer. The oil causes the separate rattan strands to bind together? Or so Ive been told. Also, instead of electrical tape, strapping tape (the kind with the fiber threads in it) seems to work better, and last real long. If costs are a factor, you can always buy bulk rattan from a rattan supply, and make you own sticks. The cost drops drastically when you make em yourself. Only problem is what to do with so many sticks.:)
What's a "butterfly rod?"

the butterfly rod is a weapon that wing chun GM william cheng teaches it is a small stick about 8- 12 inches long (just like the small sticks we FMA practitioners use) he has realesed a new course for it here in Australia mainly catering law enforcement,


Originally posted by TallAdam85
go to this site for the tournament info
it is a under belt tourament but black belts are needed to judge. Hope to see you there :asian:

Cool, thanks for the info.

Enoch has my # and e-mail. The tournament looks "school" or "organization" specific, so I might not be the best person to judge such an event. This is O.K., Enoch knows that he can contact me if he needs help with anything, and he is free to give my number out if other people he is associated with want to contact me. If the tournament host wants to contact me, he can as well.

I am sure you'll see me around, though, especially if it is related to modern arnis. If you have any questions for me personally related to FMA, feel free to private message me here.
We'll keep in touch, I'm sure.

Paul Janulis

P.S. Oh can just call me Paul, by the way. I appreciate the respect with the "Mr.." I could technically be called "guro," or whatever, but I don't have much use for titles, so even my students call me by my 1st name. :asian:

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