Chavez: 'Obama is biting off more than he can chew'

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Chavez: 'Obama is biting off more than he can chew'

July 15, 2009

@ 2:17 pm by Bridget Johnson Excerpt:
On Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's "Alo Presidente!" show — an hours-long talkfest that is broadcast on TV and radio by mandate — last Sunday, Chavez both criticized President Obama and fretted about the possibility of an assassination. In Chavez's own words…

  • On Obama: He "is not going to trick us with an ambiguous discourse or with a smile," and he wants to be seen "as a peaceful dove, as an innocent lamb."
  • On the "imperial" U.S. forces that Chavez thinks killed JFK: "I hope they do not kill Obama, because Obama is biting off more than he can chew."
Hugo Chavez said:
He "is not going to trick us with an ambiguous discourse or with a smile,"
Why not, that is, after all, how he got elected...
Chavez may be a little dipstick dictator, but, I think he's got Barry's number...
You're telling me Chavez is smarter than the average American? I can't accept that... it's too much to deal with... where's my meds?
You're telling me Chavez is smarter than the average American? I can't accept that... it's too much to deal with... where's my meds?

Don't accept it then! Check out these numbers:
76% of the US Population is eligible to vote
56.8% of those eligible actually voted
52.9% of those voted for Obama

This means about 77% of the US population did not for Obama!

What does all this prove? Nothing really. It wouldn't surprise me to find Chavez is still smarter than the average American. Where's my Pils?
Chavez may be a little dipstick dictator, but, I think he's got Barry's number...

Not surprising that you guys agree. Chavez may fashion himself as a "leftist", but like the Castro brothers, all he really wants is absolute, authoritarian power. So he really isn't so different from a right-wing extremist.

Personally, I think he's a pip-squeek who's days are numbered. And I sure don't judge our President by Chavez's comments, or Bin Ladens', or Ahmedinejad's, or any other of those who oppose us and what we stand for. And you know what? That went for both Bushes and Clinton too.
Don't accept it then! Check out these numbers:
76% of the US Population is eligible to vote
56.8% of those eligible actually voted
52.9% of those voted for Obama

This means about 77% of the US population did not for Obama!

I urge you to read David Sirota's article "The Tyranny of the Tiny Minority" which gives a very good explanation of exactly this phenomenon.

Having said this, I also have to remind everyone that Hugo Chavez is always running his mouth off, and he particularly hates the US.

He called George W. Bush an "ignoramus," and "The Devil." He referred to Condoleezza Rice as a "little girl," the head of the OAS "an idiot;" Tony Blair the "number one mass murderer and assassin;" and called the racist, homophobic, thieving, torturing dictator of Zimbabwe (who may actually BE the number one mass murderer and assassin), Robert Mugabe, a "freedom fighter."

I'd hardly quote Chavez as some kind of paragon of intelligence and level-headedness.
I urge you to read David Sirota's article "The Tyranny of the Tiny Minority" which gives a very good explanation of exactly this phenomenon.

Having said this, I also have to remind everyone that Hugo Chavez is always running his mouth off, and he particularly hates the US.

He called George W. Bush an "ignoramus," and "The Devil." He referred to Condoleezza Rice as a "little girl," the head of the OAS "an idiot;" Tony Blair the "number one mass murderer and assassin;" and called the racist, homophobic, thieving, torturing dictator of Zimbabwe (who may actually BE the number one mass murderer and assassin), Robert Mugabe, a "freedom fighter."

I'd hardly quote Chavez as some kind of paragon of intelligence and level-headedness.

Oh, no question. Dumb as a sack of hammers, that guy.

He just happened to get this one right completely by accident.
"Biting off more than he can chew'?

Well today Vice-President-and-comedian Biden said this:

‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

Yes, and that is with the Trillion dollar debt we already have. They want to make it two trillion! Ever think you can pay off your credit cards by maxing them out?

Yes, Obama has bitten off more than he can chew. He's a Jimmy Carter, but it took Carter three and 1/2 years to mess up as much as Obama has done in six months.

His health care fiasco might not even make it out of the Democrat controled commities where it is now.

Not surprising that you guys agree. Chavez may fashion himself as a "leftist", but like the Castro brothers, all he really wants is absolute, authoritarian power. So he really isn't so different from a right-wing extremist.

Or, for that matter, a left wing extremist. You know, like every socialist or communist dictator that has ever been in power.



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