Chargeing Knee

mook jong man

Senior Master
Our system does what we call the " chargeing knee" does anybody else's wing chun do this ?
I will try to describe it as best as i can . It is performed by taking a small step sort of like a skip with one leg and with the other leg you raise your knee on the center line to protect your groin.
Soon as you are in punching range of your opponent you immediately ground that leg and execute a hand technique as you are stepping down to maximise your force.
With this technique you can cover two metres or more in a split second. We use it when we want attack somebody who is just out of kicking range and who looks like they might kick us when we are moving in, think of something like a karate cat stance where the opponent is poised to kick. It can be used offensively or defensively i mean its main function is to get you into range without being kicked but if you strike them with your knee on the way in then thats just an added bonus.
Done properly there is very little or no telegraph with this technique. I saw my master demonstrate this technique once and me and several other instructors did not even see him move it was like one second he was there and the next second he was right in somebodys face he must have covered more than 2 and a half metres.
It was like he teleported or something it was pretty freaky, but i suppose after more than 40 years of training you would want to be able to do something like that.
In Cuong Nhu we have a similar technique called "rear leg charge". Expect the knee is brought up as an attack, and the pelvis is flexed forward. This may comprimise your structure, but makes the attack all the more powerful, and gives added range.
sounds interesting but cant say ive seen it done, of course i have only been doing wing chun for 1 1/2 years so am not very experienced at all, do you have any video of it?
I believe I know the knee you're talking about. If you do a lunge forward and are fast enough, I think you can get 2 or even 3 out.
Oh no, here I go as the bad guy again...

Charging knees in wing chun are dangerous because you are putting your eggs in one basket. People (MT guys) who train knee defence on a daily basis will see these sort of things coming. I appreciate that there are some guys who have trained a charging knee to such a degree that it is fast (almost invisible) but there are much better ways of closing people down.

I agree that it is fairly useful if your oponent is relying on long range kicks, but in all the fights I've had in the street, nightclubs etc I've very rarely been kicked or kicked well
Sounds interesting. I haven't learned that one. We do use Heel kick in a similar fashion. And that works great to negate a good kicker's ability to kick you. I'll have to ask my hubbie if he learned that one in Australia. It's been a long time, he might have forgotten to show it.

It sounds like a good way to sneak in a knee and close distance. I'd probably be more comfortable heel kicking because that's what I know best, of course. I would like to see that on video, or try it sometime.
I am not the most adept Wing Tsun person,purely by accident after blocking a kick with chi-gerk and only after my opponent went to reach for me with both hands I lunge-skipped forward and nailed him in the pelvic region with my knee,the only thing to prevent me from falling forward was me dragging my rear leg beneath me.It seemed to work pretty well.I've used this technique since,it also seems to work when your leg is grabbed.That's my take.anybody?
I've seen it in practice before and to the best of my knowledge it's practiced by Sifu William Chueng's lineage and Sifu Phillip Holders lineage (derived from Sifu Chueng).
I watched a knock out from a flying knee in the UFC and it was done brilliantly, but it was not the same as is used in W.C. with the whole skipping thing and there are more efficient ways to close the gap and cover ground. Don't forget in W.C. we go for eficiency and the ability to flow from one technique to the other playing off of the oponents energy and position, and skipping on one leg even for a short step, is a bit too commital for me. A good W.C. player will counter that easily. It's only my opinion, but, it looks good at first but upon closer examination I find it to be inefective.
Peace to all,
Our system does what we call the " chargeing knee" does anybody else's wing chun do this ?
I will try to describe it as best as i can . It is performed by taking a small step sort of like a skip with one leg and with the other leg you raise your knee on the center line to protect your groin.
Soon as you are in punching range of your opponent you immediately ground that leg and execute a hand technique as you are stepping down to maximise your force....

Our Muk Yan Jong form has a movement similar but we actually are striking in with the knee then as the foot plants(or is planting) we slide it down the leg of the jong as if we are scraping the shin for more damage.

On another note I remember Bruce Lee doing something similar against Chuck in 'Return/Way of the Dragon' but I think his fake was more of a low kick then he planted, got bridge contact, and fired off a flurry of strikes then ended with a round kick as Chuck was retreating.
Check it happens at about 3:15. I could be wrong.:)

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