Characteristic Technique of EPAK.

Very cool and functional, thanks DOC.:asian:
Oh yeah. That's right. I told you the "secret" at the seminar in England. Nobody would have ever guessed that one single finger could affect a persons structural integrity. I guess they'll have to catch one of my lectures. Thanks for reminding me Simon. Youdaman.
Doc said:
Nobody would have ever guessed that one single finger could affect a persons structural integrity. I guess they'll have to catch one of my lectures.
Ain't that the truth!!!

My brother and I were trying a few of the "experiments" last night at free training, and our instructor commented on how much of it reminded him of his Kung Fu days...
They weren't altogether dumn those old Chinese folks...
Ain't that the truth!!!

My brother and I were trying a few of the "experiments" last night at free training, and our instructor commented on how much of it reminded him of his Kung Fu days...
They weren't altogether dumn those old Chinese folks...
Clearly there is a huge amount of information that never made it to motion kenpo - ya think?
I would have to agree that five swords could be classified as the definitive technique in EPAK. At least in my humble opinion. I can't comment on the "top secret" finger postioning mentioned. Guess I'll have to wait to get my official membership card and special decoder ring!

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