Changing affiliations?


Sr. Grandmaster
Not that I am not satisfied with my current organization, but it seems that I will have to relocate within the next year, and I know there won't be a school with ITA connections (unless I open one, but I don't think I need the hassle)

I am not so much concerned about the paper trail as to getting used to how other people do TKD.

I mean we have those little points of disagreement, like stances, sine wave or forms or sparring or...well, pretty much everything.

I already met the instructor I would likely be training with, he is pretty much the one who started it all when my son was presented with a free course from my mom's gym. he is pretty cool, just have not seen his work with adults yet.

I guess it is just a matter of emptying my cup to receive new knowledge I suppose....
Sometimes a move can help jostle you out of your comfort zone. If you're moving to a larger city, have you looked into what other complementary training is available, in and out of taekwondo?

Good luck.
FWIW IMNSHO (I have been to seminars / classes with dozens, if not over 100 instructors) the best way to grow is to have an open mind and if the instructor shows you something that is different than what you are used to, you need to give it a try for a realistic period of time. Some different things I liked right away, some took me 6 months of work and some I never liked but may have shown others becausewhile not well suited to me it may have been well suited to them.

And then of course their was a boatload of junk as well.
We must all look neyond the initial door toward training, when one closes another will open for those that have the vision to see it. Best of luck.
This weekend it became clear that it is important, if not imperative that I move closer to my parents. They are getting older and I will have to take over for them sooner or later. That means back to Germany...

While I am pretty good (was anyhow, before a year layup) my terminology is about 95% English...

Then again, new place, new opportunities...I have stayed pretty close to home in my instruction...all within the organization. Just got to remember to keep my 'we did it this way' to a minimum and in a anecdotal way ;)
Thank you. I know things fall into place, they usually do. It's just a huge step. Other wise I am packed lightly. :)

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