Chambersburg man says state troopers storm his home...

As ever, a most reasoned and well worded response to a sensitive subject :tup:.
Interesting story. 2 sides, as always, none of us were there, so all we can do is speculate. Who was right, who was wrong...dont know, and hopefully more will come up as the investigation goes on.

On face value....personally, I think that Doyle, drunk or not, should've minded his own business. I see people standing/parking in fire lanes all the time, yet while I may mutter something to myself, I dont walk up to the car and tear into the driver. If it was that much of a bother to me, and it isn't, but I'd jot down the plate number, description of the driver, call the police and file a complaint. Will that complaint amount to anything? Most likely not, due to the fact that unless the officer arrives before the car takes off, nothing is going to happen to the driver, other than a "Dont do it again." speech, and thats it.

Was it wrong for them to kick in the door, etc.? Again, on face value, it would seem so. Kicking in a door, just because this guy questioned why the cop was parked where he was, maybe driving drunk, etc....sounds excessive, but again, who knows what was left out of the article.

This is why, unless its directly effecting me, I just keep on walking. Lets see....mind your own business, call the guy a jerk under your breath, and continue on with your day, or.......confront the guy, risk a physical fight or worse, getting arrested, etc. Gee, which would should I pick? LOL!
Because this is an American based forum with mostly US focused stories, don't for a minute think that this is a "US only" phenomenon. Take a look at this story.

And I would respond to this story in much the same manner as I would if it were a US agency.

or this one..

"Police Taser and Beat Man"

How often have we seen the "US Taser" stories here? I think these Brit officers were perfectly within a reasonable use of force. Yet the "narrator" seems to think that perhaps these officers should have just been asking this punching and kicking drunk to nicely come along.

Same sort of thing there as we see here IMO.

The first souce is hardly unbiased reporting coming from Tehran lol!

"Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals."
I can easily recall many of us cops saying that there are bad cops out there and that there are cops that do stupid things (look at the story about the cop fighting over a car stop) so I think you are being a bit melodramatic.

Since most of these stories are already phrased as "look at what the bad cop did", I think that most of us LEO's are simply trying to show what a possible reasonable explination MAY be from a cops perspective since the story is so obviously one sided.

I really don't know what is you you are expecting. Do we have to qualify every post with "I think the cop was wrong"?
No, you don't have to qualify. But all or your responses just come over as someone who doesn't want to even pounder the fact that a policeman can be wrong or do egotripping stuff. This is not to bash you because you are a policeman, and I do understand your position to defend what you do. But that's just how you come over. I hope this doesn't offend you too much.

I think you represent Law Enforcement Offiers as well, if not better, than anyone I've seen. I would be proud to have you as an officer in my town. I may not always agree with you, but I will always respect you.
I have a gut feeling that you REALLY care about people, and that doing a good job is your top priority. Just needed to say that.