Challenging the dojang instructor


White Belt
Dec 16, 2008
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Hi, my friend has been an aggressive man since he was in elementary school. Infact, he was the class bully. In highschool, he is still the bully, the guy who walk around with 5 big guys and going around acting tough. He recently joined the kyokushin karate club and he is really doing well. Hes around 6 feet 5 and he has been doing weight lifting since elementary school(father is a ex national weight lifter i heard).

I told him i am in the taekwondo club and those high kicks and jumping spinning kick is extremely good. Well, he told me he is going to come to the taekwondo club to beat up my instructor and he told me to tell my 5 feet instructor to get ready. He has never lost a full contact sparring session in the club since hes the biggest and toughest guy in school.

Just my thoughts, what should i do? He doesn't seem to be joking. I think he is over obsessed with his tough guy image and he needs to soften up abit. Do you think my instructor should accept his challenge or just call the cops(laughs)?

My question is, is it ok to walk into a dojang and challenge the master like those old school movies? Thoughts and comments?
Your "friend" is a dumbass and I hope that he does go down there and get crushed. There's nothing I love more than the random guy off the street challenging a Sensei.
We have this happen in our dojang a few time. Some random guy comes in off the street and says "Hey I want to fight" then points at who he thinks is the head guy.

Everyone just ignores him and he goes away. I even had one guy point at me once as he said lets go. I just laughed and the guy left.

If your friend really is that dumb then there is nothing that you can do or say to stop him. Just let your Master know and he will take care of it the best way.

You really need to get new freinds.
I see. I will see what my instructor do. This is a good experience. But i was wondering, if my instructor choose not to fight him, wont many of his members leave thinking the instructor is a wimp and learning martial arts from him is a mistake?
I see. I will see what my instructor do. This is a good experience. But i was wondering, if my instructor choose not to fight him, wont many of his members leave thinking the instructor is a wimp and learning martial arts from him is a mistake?
I doubt it. Few people are impressed by louts.
But i was wondering, if my instructor choose not to fight him, wont many of his members leave thinking the instructor is a wimp and learning martial arts from him is a mistake?
The Martial Arts are all about self discipline, the discipline not to fight when just provoked. This would be a good lesson to all in your dojang.

You should only fight if your life depends on it, or in the ring.
I see. I will see what my instructor do. This is a good experience. But i was wondering, if my instructor choose not to fight him, wont many of his members leave thinking the instructor is a wimp and learning martial arts from him is a mistake?

I doubt it as well. Any member who would think that and leaves.....does not understand what being a martial artist, let alone an instructor means and does not need to be there anyway.

However, if this "friend" (BTW you need to drop this idiot as a friend, he will get you into trouble one day) comes in and attacks your instructor... then it becomes a whole different situation.

Sadly enough, your so called friend has a very harsh awakening, if he brings this attitude into the adult world. Somewhere along the way, he will find out that "size, really doesn’t matter".

Your friend is not a friend and you should look for better quality of friends before he gets you hurt or killed.
The Martial Arts are all about self discipline, the discipline not to fight when just provoked. This would be a good lesson to all in your dojang.

You should only fight if your life depends on it, or in the ring.

Totally agree, fighting for ego is the most pointless thing out there. Fight because you have no option, or your family/friends are in danger, not because someone is trying to insult your pride. I reckon just getting the class, the whole class that is to stand up to this idiot and laugh at him.

Also, and I don't wish to cause offence at this, but if this guy's a mate of yours, doesn't that reflect badly on you? Just sayin'...

Hope you get it sorted quickly.

Somehow reminds me of the Master leaving the cocky challenger stranded on a small island "I didn't get to be this old by accepting every challenge"

(and yes, time for better friends: Show me the company you keep I tell you who you are)
I see. I will see what my instructor do. This is a good experience. But i was wondering, if my instructor choose not to fight him, wont many of his members leave thinking the instructor is a wimp and learning martial arts from him is a mistake?

You give this loud-mouthed friend of your's a lot of credit he doesn't deserve. You think he's gonna walk into your school, challenge your instructor, your instructor is going to fight him (and loose), & everyone is ging to leave your school....& what, follow this kid?!

In the real world (outside of high school) things don't work like that. A loud-mouthed jerk shows up in most schools he's shown the door. The loud mouth is shown to be the jerk that he is.

As others have said, you need new friends.
I think you need to understand something. Your instructor is in the right to stop this guy. Either by calling the police or by beating him down. Big and tough does not equal invincible. A master can be very slick and nasty if the need arises. I think your "friend" needs a reality check, before he crosses the wrong person and gets himself hurt bad or killed.
I think it's time that your friend(?) should sign up for a new Dojo/Dojang. I have a great one in mind..............the USMC. See if his attitude hasen't been changed after boot and the crucible.
Thanks for the advice guys. Well, we are still young and immatured. I think he will change when he reach the working life.
I am curious where you are located, I agree with many of the posters as far as how MA is treated in the US, but I'm not sure it's the same in other countries. I know in the BJJ world, especially in Brazil, challenge matches in the school are not uncommon. I don't know about the attitude and motivation in this one, but I'm just curious where this is happening.
I am curious where you are located, I agree with many of the posters as far as how MA is treated in the US, but I'm not sure it's the same in other countries. I know in the BJJ world, especially in Brazil, challenge matches in the school are not uncommon. I don't know about the attitude and motivation in this one, but I'm just curious where this is happening.

I am living in asia. I was surpised by the responds some gave me because in my country, challenging instructor is quite common. The answers which many of you people give me is not the culture of martial arts in my country. We have frequent competiton between karate and taekwondo judo etc and challenging instructor is common.

I guess we live in different cultures.