As far as the War on Terror is concerned, here is my case against president Bush. I agree that Saddam certainly was a bad dude and deserved to be removed, but, if we are going to wear the white hats here, there certainly is a lot more work to be done!
"Ridem cowbow" is not what the administration told us when they took us to war though. They said that Iraq was in cahootz with the terrorists. They said that they were stuffed to the gills with WMD and they said they said that Iraq was an imminent threat...
As far as the terrorists go, buy the 911 commision reports book on Amazon and find out about that. Or you could read Richard Clarkes book on the subject. Either way, no connections to 911 have been found and although Iraq supported some terrorist acts in Isreal, this is a far cry from the terrorism the Saudis support worldwide.
"Riyadh has not yet fully joined the international effort to block bank accounts thought to be financing terrorist operations, U.S. officials say. But the Bush administration, fearful of offending the Saudis, has not yet raised a public complaint. Elaine Sciolino, et al., “U.S. is Reluctant to Upset Flawed, Fragile Saudi Ties,” New York Times, October 25, 2001
Regarding the WMD in Iraq, Iraq had them at one time, but did not have them when we invaded. Inspectors were beginning to catch on this fact, which is why the Bush Administration did not want to wait for their full report.
Consider the following about Iraq, before you think that it was this huge threat to our security.
"Iraq has never threatened nor been implicated in any attack against U.S. territory and the CIA has reported no Iraqi-sponsored attacks against American interests since 1991." Stephen Zunes, "An Annotated Overview of the Foreign Policy Segments of President George W. BushÂ’s State of the Union Address," Foreign Policy In Focus, January 29, 2003. Segments of President George W. BushÂ’s State of the Union Address," Foreign Policy In Focus, January 29, 2003
"Iraq never threatened Bush officials cynically attacked a villainous country because they knew it was easier than finding the real 9/11 villain, who had no country. And now they're hoist on their own canard." Maureen Dowd, "WeÂ’re Not Happy Campers," The New York Times, September 11, 2003.
"Iraq never threatened the US, let alone Australia. The basic consideration was and remains the perception of America's wider strategic interest in the Middle East." Richard Woolcott, "Thread bare Basis To The Homespun Yarn That Led Us Into Iraq," Sydney Morning Herald, November 26, 2003—(Woolcott was Australia’s Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs And Trade during the first Gulf War.)
Granted, Iraq did support suicide bombers in Isreal at the same time, so did Lebonon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, ect...
And what about all of those supposed terrorists in IraqÂ…
All of those guys did nothing in Iraq or were not even in Iraq until Saddam was gone. Iraq was not a terrorist threat to the United States.,11209,1240541,00.html
And then there is the question regarding IraqÂ’s history...Of which most Americans are totally ignorantÂ…Perhaps we should ask where Saddam came from, how he got those weapons, and what the US response was at that time.
And then there is the question of what actually happened during the infamous gassing event...and this is very interesting...
So apparently we are left with some serious doubt in this situation. Either way, the US was heavily involved in the skullduggery against Iran and wasn't too concerned when it happened.
Here are some more questions that beg the question...
Why Saddam? Why Now? Why Alone?
The US is bearing the brunt of this war effort in terms of casualties and money. Did it have to be this way? I'm not going to count the moroccon contributions
"The administration has even turned to the animal kingdom for help in the war. First came the dolphins, those really smart mammals recruited to help clear mines at the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr. Then came word that Morocco was offering 2,000 monkeys to help detonate land mines." Al Kamen, "They Got the ‘Slov’ Part Right," Washington Post, March 28, 2003
And to those who have said that we are in it now and the time to speak up was three years ago. I wholeheartedly agree. I think that Kerry and Edwards by voting for the war and now critizing that same effort have shown true gutlessness and I just can't bring myself around to respect them. I don't care what kind of dodging excuses the pair of them give, but if an average joe like myself can get my hands on all of this counter information...
Is Iraq better off now? Maybe we should ask Enron or Haliburton or any of the members in the Carlyle group that are profiteering in this ridem cowboy mess.
“By virtue of its holdings in companies like U.S. Marine Repair and United Defense Industries, Carlyle is the equivalent of the eleventh-largest defense contractor in the nation. It has $16.2 billion under management and claims an average annual return of 35%.” Phyllis Berman, “Lucky Twice,” Forbes, December 8, 2003.
On a single day last month, Carlyle earned $237 million selling shares in United Defense Industries, the Army's fifth-largest contractor. The stock offering was well timed: Carlyle officials say they decided to take the company public only after the Sept. 11 attacks. … On Sept. 26, [2001], the Army signed a $665-million modified contract with United Defense through April 2003 to complete the Crusader's development phase. In October, the company listed the Crusader, and the attacks themselves, as selling points for its stock offering. Mark Fineman, “Arms Buildup is a Boon to Firm Run by Big Guns,” Los Angeles Times, January 10, 2002.
"Still, in its annual report for 2001, United announced that it had been awarded a three-year, $697 million contract to complete full upgrading of 389 Bradley units and had added a $ 655 million contract modification to complete the Crusader's 'definition and risk-reduction phase contract,' which would be worth $ 1.7 billion through 2003. Together, the Crusader and Bradley programs contributed 41 percent of United sales in 2001, the report said. With Crusader and the Bradley upgrade in hand, a decision was made to sell United stock to the public in late 2001." Walter Pincus, “Crusader a Boon to Carlyle Group Even if Pentagon Scraps Project,” Washington Post, May 14, 2002.
And who has been in on this from the start...
In the mid-1990s, George H.W. Bush joined up with the Carlyle Group. “Under the leadership of ex-officials like Baker and former Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci, Carlyle developed a specialty in buying defense companies and doubling or quadrupling their value. The ex-president not only became an investor in Carlyle, but a member of the company's Asia Advisory Board and a rainmaker who drummed up investors. Twelve rich Saudi families, including the Bin Ladens, were among them. In 2002, the Washington Post reported, ‘Saudis close to Prince Sultan, the Saudi defense minister ... were encouraged to put money into Carlyle as a favor to the elder Bush.’ Bush retired from the company last October, and Baker, who lobbied U.S. allies last month to forgive Iraq's debt, remains a Carlyle senior counselor. Kevin Phillips, “The Barreling Bushes; Four Generations of the Dynasty Have Chased Profits Through Cozy Ties with Mideast Leaders, Spinning Webs of Conflicts of Interest,” Los Angeles Times, January 11, 2004
And now by proxy...
James Baker was a Carlyle Senior Counselor beginning in 1993. Carlyle Group web site,
Now, lets broaden our perspective and take a look at the master it was cooked up by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Haliburton, Enron, Carlyle, United Defense, ect...
Please note that the very people named above have written articles describing the economic intent of this war as being paramount.
Please note also, that when President Bush made his Axis of Evil speech, the above information was out there. Therefore, this resulted in an outcry in the UN from the Canadian Prime Minister "Who else is on the list, Mr. Bush?"
Ah yes, Pakistan. By far, they supported more terrorist activity then Iraq, yet they converted very quickly. Maybe it was not for the reasons that you think...
“A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in the United States for talks with an international energy company that wants to construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan. A spokesman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were expected to spend several days at the company's headquarters in Sugarland, Texas.” “Taleban in Texas for Talks on Gas Pipeline,” BBC News, December 4, 1997 (Sugarland is 22 miles outside Houston.)
“The Taliban ministers and their advisers stayed in a five-star hotel and were chauffeured in a company minibus. Their only requests were to visit Houston's zoo, the NASA space centre and Omaha's Super Target discount store to buy stockings, toothpaste, combs and soap. The Taliban, which controls two-thirds of Afghanistan and is still fighting for the last third, was also given an insight into how the other half lives. The men, who are accustomed to life without heating, electricity or running water, were amazed by the luxurious homes of Texan oil barons. Invited to dinner at the palatial home of Martin Miller, a vice-president of Unocal, they marvelled at his swimming pool, views of the golf course and six bathrooms. After a meal of specially prepared halal meat, rice and Coca-Cola, the hardline fundamentalists - who have banned women from working and girls from going to school - asked Mr. Miller about his Christmas tree.” Caroline Lees, “Oil Barons Court Taliban in Texas,” The Telegraph (London), December 14, 1997.
And guess where the pipeline has to pass before in be complete? Pakistan. Ohhh sweet deals galore! Now guess who is going to get rich off of this pipeline...
On October 27, 1997, both Unocal and Halliburton issued press releases about their energy work in Turkmenistan. “Halliburton Energy Services has been providing a variety of services in Turkmenistan for the past five years.” Press Release, “Halliburton Alliance Awarded Integrated Service Contract Offshore Caspian Sea In Turkmenistan,” October 27, 1997.
1997/hesnws_102797.jsp; “ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, Oct. 27, 1997 - Six international companies and the Government of Turkmenistan formed Central Asia Gas Pipeline, Ltd. (CentGas) in formal signing ceremonies here Saturday.” Press Release, “Consortium Formed to Build Central Asia Gas Pipeline,” October 27, 1997.
Dr. Zaher Wahab of Afghanistan, a professor in the US speaking at International Human Rights Day event, “explained that Delta, Unocal as well as Russian, Pakistani and Japanese oil and gas companies have signed agreements with the Turkmenistan government, immediately north of Afghanistan, which has the fourth largest gas reserve in the world. Agreements also have been signed with the Taliban, allowing these oil and gas giants to pump Turkmenistan gas and oil through western Afghanistan to Pakistan, from which it then will be shipped all over the world. The energy consortium Enron plans to be one of the builders of the pipeline.” Elaine Kelly, “Northwest Groups Discuss Afghan, Iranian and Turkish Rights Violations,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 31, 1997.
So now if you have any doubt what really changed Pakistan's heart...There is so much money floating around that region that we really have no comprehension.
And then there is this whole business about Libya and how the presidents policies have succeeded so well thereÂ…Yeah, and I'll believe a man like Qadaffi has seen the light when the horned one is buying snowblowers.
Perhaps this is what he has seen...
And guess who will benifit from this radical transformation of this dictator...
WASHINGTON, July 19 (Reuters) - U.S. oil company Occidental Petroleum ... continues to "actively negotiate" upstream oil concessions in Libya, where it ...
Occidental Petroleum is a company pretty much owned and controlled by the Bushes.
So I guess Iran is next on the list for President Bush or President Kerry. Check PNAC. Its all part of the plan and Iraq is a convenient jumping off point. These articles are the precursor excuses and they will be increasing fed to us in the days to come...
The last article includes the following information...
"In an even more dramatic move, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) plans to introduce an Iran liberation act this fall, modeled on the Iraq Liberation Act that mandated government change in Baghdad and provided more than $90 million to the Iraqi opposition. The goals would be the same for Iran, including regime change, congressional officials said."
And the war never ends...
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
So, if you have followed me up to this point grab a gold star because this has been an exercise in stream of conciousness writingÂ…the end game is near, have not fearÂ…
Unfortunately, I understand all too well what Iraq is going to cost United States. Let me tell you something about enriched uranium. To make a Hiroshima style bomb, you need about a six packs worth, or one hundred pounds. Thankfully, this is very difficult to make, but after its done, its all down hill to the bomb.
The design for the bomb is relatively easy. You need a reinforced tube, with some dynamite at one end. In the middle you take a heavy neutron source like cobalt or nickle. You put your fissile material in the other end and you cap it off. Then you blow up the dynamite. This bomb will fit in the back of a van.
The Hiroshima style bomb was 12 kilotons. Here is what would happen in it were detonated in Times Square. Everything within 1/3 of a mile would be completely obliterated. Everything within a mile would look like the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. One half a million people would die in one second. Another half would die within days. Anyone alive within five miles would be scraping radiation burns off their skin with wire brushes. If you were standing ten miles away from the bomb and were looking directly at it, your eyes would burn in their sockets and melt away.
This is what people who support the war fail to realize. Abbas, Nidal, Zarqawi, they are all small potatoes and they are all damned excuses to invade a country that has been PROVEN not to be a threat to the citizens of the United States!
Meanwhile, we have ignored things that really, really, really are important. The first thing that we have ignored because we are busy raping the oil in Iraq is the fact that A Q Kahn from Pakistan has been selling ENRICHED URANIUM like candy along with the centrifuges to make more. North Korea thawed enough plutonium, which formed the fissile material for the Nagasaki bomb, to make at least six nuclear weapons. The North Koreans have professed that they will sell this to ANYONE. And now Iran is on the verge of completing the infrastructure to make its own fissile material...Meanwhile the Saudis continue to fund the terrorists that hate us, giving them the money to buy the peices of our destruction.
With all of this on the horizon, why Iraq?
During this argument, I have shown that the war in Iraq and partly in Ahfganistan have really been about Oil and Profits. This has not been refuted by anyone here, nor the Bush administration or anyone in the press. Now I really want you to wrap your mind around this and attempt to accept it as truth, because that is what it is and I think that the majority of people in this country already recognize that fact. Here is the catch, and this is what enrages me, Oil and Profits, under the guise of protecting us, have been put in front of our safety.
911 was horrible, but Americans have no idea what really could happen in this War on Terror. The administration is in really big trouble if another terrorist attack happens because people are going to ask what could have been done to stop it. Then people are going to realize that this administration has done nothing but invade a country that was very low on the actual danger list. Then they are going to find out how the Bush Administration prefers to line the pockets of the folks and Haliburton, Enron, Carlyle, United Defense, ect, with war and oil profits rather then protect them from the terrorists.
I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years after then next attack RNC ceased to exist.
Ultimately, this gulf of understanding and this refusal to accept that the military industrial corporatist complex exists is going to be crossed with a nuclear weapon and then you'll find out how wrong you are.
I've said enough on this. Go back and read my sources and think about the capital and human resources that are being wasted in Iraq, while the real terrorist get closer and closer to the ultimate goal. Then I want you to think about all of the people who are getting filthy rich while putting us at risk.
Pitchfork and torch anyone?