Acehbk wrote in the kick penetration thread:
It makes me wonder how much kicking techniques have been lost in WC. I would like to believe that there use to be a lot of leg work used but now it seems like WC is pretty much hands and a occaional push kick.
Snapping that wrist isn't something easily done. It takes a lot of practice. I am seeing that now. It has me looking at all those youtube links where you see guys doing chain punches at that guy said in that youtube video about locking the wrist upon impact.. "all that machine gun rubbish." lol He is right, if you are doing it correctly you can't have these super fast punches.
which made me think about what is actually more useful, you can probably land close to 2x more attacks by using the "machine gun rubbish" do you think your hitting twice as hard by using the wrist in this way, or more so, and thus gaining power? would damage even add up in this manner? for example if i hit you 20 times at 100% power, or 40 times at 50% power, within the same duration would you consider these to be equal, either way I'd like to hear why you believe this!
I will have to disagree with you there Nabakatsu on the contrary Wing Chun contains many intricate leg techniques , now I can only speak for my lineage here . But ours contain this
low heel kick - target is knee or shin
medium heel kick- groin or bladder
snap kick- top of instep to groin , your basic kick in the balls
close range thrust kick - heel kick from arm distance or less to solar plexus , abdomen or groin most used when in control of their arms
stamp kick - very close range kick to back of knee joint used in conjunction with hands
hook kick - close range kick with shin to inner and outer thigh , front and back of thigh , abdomen and ribcage used in conjunction with hands.
Can also be used directed at the front of the thighs in unison with a latch behind the neck which makes the person somersault head first into the ground
Wing Chun side kick- can be directed to knee , bladder, abdomen ,chest ,ribcage executed same as hook kick but using heel.
Chum Kiu thrust kick - the pivoting kick performed at the end of Chum Kiu
Straight knee strike - targets are thigh ,bladder , abdomen commonly used with a one arm neck latch while other hand pulls the arm .
Roundhouse knee strike - performed same as hook kick , but in closer range targets are thigh ,bladder ,abdomen ,ribcage ,kidneys used with arm control.
Back hook kick - performed by raising leg and striking to the groin of attacker who is behind you with the back of your ankle and heel.
Leg locking - using the stance to break someones leg or force them to the ground , done by making contact with your shin to their lead leg , locking their ankle with your ankle , transfer your weigh to your front leg and bend it suddenly which breaks their leg at the knee joint.
Bil Gee sweep kick - sweep kick from Bil Gee , smash the back of your heel into their achilles tendon and calf , typically used with a latch and elbow strike at the same , throws them back on their head
These next ones are kicks that are not part of the Wing Chun system but my Sifu added them because they are useful for self defence and easy to do.
low side kick - low kick straight to the side impacting with heel , targets attackers knee or shins who is approaching from side
medium side kick - same as above but targets groin , bladder or abdomen of an attacker approaching from side
Charging low side kick / charging medium side kick - same as above but done from longer range , performed by doing a one step shuffle to the left or right and then kicking.
These are all the ones I know of and then of course you have all the combinations of these kicks used in chain kicking , leg deflections etc.
So as you can see there is quite a lot to work on , does any else know of any other leg stuff that I might have missed.
Sorry my mistake Nabakatsu it should have been Ace I was replying to