
I hate to admit to this, but I agree with moromoro. I don't want to take away from your accomplishment, but I do question the wisdom of Datu Shishir using diplomas that GM Remy signed now that he is gone. I have the same blank diplomas sign by GM Remy. I

In a way, I agree with Renegade. However, I do want to say this. I don't really hold it against against Arnisandyz that he has a certificate signed by Professor for two reasons. First, he has been very open about the certificate situation. Secondly, it's not as if he never met Professor or did not know him. But mostly, it's due to the fact that Andy has been open about this situation. Also, it appears that he's an Arnis brother of ours.

Take care,
Brian Johns
well well we agree renegade,(maybe my new attitude iam much cooler now, iam getting the hang of it now)
i agree with what you say that you would only feel comfortable in using these to replace damage certificates..... with all due respect to you arnisandyz.... the recipient of these certificates will know in their heart and minds that the professor (R.I.P) did not issue them with these certificates,
also you are right in saying it is just a peice of paper. it proves notthing about how you can fight and back it up and many of the arts still tought in the philippines dont have grading structures and dont give out certificates.....

i have one more question, is there a date on the certificate? is the date of when Prof (R.I.P) signed it or when you recieved it?

how about on your copies renegade is the date when the prof (R.I.P) signed or can you issue the date?


Originally posted by moromoro

how about on your copies renegade is the date when the prof (R.I.P) signed or can you issue the date?



The diplomas that I have are not dated.
The certificate that I recieved was dated and signed by Datu Shishir. The certificate says something to the effect of ...issued the year of nineteen hundred and -----2003. Kind of strange I know! but whatever. Anybody that sees this that knows anything about the Professor knows when he passed away and this was issued well after that. Makes for a good story and conversation, so it doen't really bother me.

In a sense..the professor "may have issued them." Heres an analogy, if your sign 5 blank checks to your wife (it will never happen!) and gave no further instruction, wouldn't you think that one may get "used"? You did in fact "issue" a check by signing it, the bearer decides how it is used. Unless the Professor gave specific instruction "ONLY USE THESE AS REPLACEMENTS!" I would guess that he entrusted to whoever he gave the certificates to to use there own judgement as how they are used. Some may not feel comfortable in using them, and others may use them in special instances, and others will abuse them. I presented my position with Datu Shishir when I first met him and my sentiments towards the Professor, I am guessing he made a judgement call to share something with me that not everyboody has privlege to. In any case, I know that I am careful with what I sign and would not give my signature on a blank anything unless I reallly trusted the person i'm giving it to. I am guessing very few people got blank certificates from the Professor, Datu Hartman and Datu Inocalla are the only ones that I know of.

Originally posted by moromoro
the recipient of these certificates will know in their heart and minds that the professor (R.I.P) did not issue them with these certificates,
Terry [/B]

Of coarse I know, but he was with me in spirit. Like I mentioned earlier, the signature thing is a personal thing to me...its like getting Babe Ruth's autograph on a ball handed down from your uncle...everyone know's he didn't sign it to you, but that doesn't take away from the pride and joy of having it.

Originally posted by arnisandyz
I am guessing very few people got blank certificates from the Professor, Datu Hartman and Datu Inocalla are the only ones that I know of.


Hi Andy,

There are others out there, believe me, I have seen them.


I know Andy and let me tell you he is an honorable man and eskrimador with deep roots in the Philippine martial arts and culture.

Before Modern Arnis and FCS-Kali, Andy also had the great opportunity to study Arnis from his family system while growing up and is turning out some impressive training swords and knives.

Harold Evans
hi harold and andy

the question was never that he wasnt an honorable man it was simply about the certificates signed by the prof (R.I.P)............

, Andy also had the great opportunity to study Arnis from his family system while growing up and is turning out some impressive training swords and knives.

hi andy can i ask what does your family system involve, and which region was it from,, thanks

also andy are you a blacksmith?? or is it just a hobby???


Hi Terry,

My statement towards Andy was not directed at you specifically. I was letting others know that I know Andy.

I'm not sure where Andy's family is from, but his uncle's system is a largo mano-based system. So far, the stuff he's shown us is mostly espada y daga, but I'm sure it's not limited to that.

The training knives and swords he makes are of aluminum. There are numerous threads and pictures of his works on the board.

Hi Harold,

thanks for the kind words.

I was taught a largo method of stick and dagger my uncles. What characterizes it are its somewhat long stances and the fact that the dagger never goes in for body shots, but instead is used as a support weapon from long range (cutting the limbs or checking the weapon). It has no name, as far as I or my uncles know of. They learned it from a friend of thier father. where he learned it, I don't know. There are no Grand Masters Datus or rank or certificates, etc. They are from Santa Rosa, southern part of northern island. I was also young when I started (and didn't like it very much). I was going to include it in our club logo (out of respect for my uncles) but I didn't know what to call it. Another reason I didn't is that I do not want to mislead anyone into thinking this is a style that has been in my family for many generations, or its a complete system. it is not. It is simply a method taught to me by by uncles. My friends called it my "family system" our "my uncles ssyetem" and for the lack of a better name for it, thats what I refer to it as. Sorry I cannot Cite the history, lineage, etc ,etc...but this is how it was presented to me and thats how I learned it. Again, I do not want to mislead anyone and say something like "This ancient system has been handed down in my family for 5 generations...BS,BS" When I say family system i simple mean some things my uncle showed me, and that is how I explain it and present it when I show it to anyone.

I am in now way a Blacksmith pro or amatuer!!! Jessee Frank did offer to get me started working with steel at the last gathering however. I make trainers. Made out of alloy steel. In many respects it is more like woodworking than metal smithing. Still fun though! And you get alot of nice toys in the end.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
I'So far, the stuff he's shown us is mostly espada y daga, but I'm sure it's not limited to that.



The long and short was all that I was taught. If there is more to it, I don't know. I was also show close range techniques with stick and emptyhand, but I am pretty sure that is from my uncles Modern Arnis in college. They didn't tell me this is from this or this is from that.

Heh...everything we do gets blended together into a seamless whole anyway. It all ends up being the same dang thing :D


Please check your MartialTalk email and respond as quickly as you can.


To get back to the original topic of this thread:

Although I have already conveyed this privately, I would like to say congratulations to Andy. I know it was well deserved.

I have had the privilege of being Andy's friend and, up until recently, training partner for the past few years. Through our training together, he has given me an appreciation for Modern Arnis that I did not have before I met him. Admittedly, I was not immediately draw to the art when I was first exposed to it. Because of his patience and of the way he represents the art, he showed me the beauty of Modern Arnis. I will always be grateful for what he has shared with me.

I understand why some have questioned the certificate with the Professor's signature. Due to the claims some people have made recently, it makes sense to be skeptical. Andy has done well in explaining the significance of Professor's signature on his certificate. As Harold(Palasut) has done in an earlier post, I will attest to Andy's character. If that's not good enough for anyone, so be it.

Once again, I congratulate Andy on his achievement. Those of us who know him know you could not ask for a better person to represent Modern Arnis.

Aldon Asher
Bah. Anyone who knows Andy knows he has no bad intentions for the certificate and honors the memory of Prof. Presas. His friends and students know what the certification means to him. Anyone else has issues with that, too bad. If you knew him, you wouldn't have any concerns.

Like AldonAsher, I already congratulated you privately, but once again, congratulations!

Damn Al...I think I'm gonna cry...but seriously, we have shared alot through the years and have grown together in the Arts as brothers and the feeling is mutual. Thanks.

Anyways, thanks everyone for your support. My posting here was not to brag or say I have this or that....it was just a simple post to share my happiness with my FMA brothers and sisters...never thought it would get 3 pages long.

And I understand everybody's position on the signature thing, I know it doesn't mean you don't support me, but please know that at least one signed certificate will not be abused!

Lets end this post already!

What're you gonna do if I don't? Beat me? You do that on a weekly basis already!



PS - guys, let me know what you think about that URL I sent you!
Originally posted by Cthulhu
What're you gonna do if I don't? Beat me?


No, I'll just pair you up with new Wyane all night and let him take care of you by accident!


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