Cats and dogs commentary


Black Belt
My buddy told me this one the other day...I don't know if he made it up or got from somewhere, but it makes sense.

If you have a dog, you come home and give it food and water and treats and toys and lots of love and attention, anbd the dog thinks "Wow. This person must be some kind of a god or something." If you have a cat, you come home and give it food and water and treats and toys and lots of love and attention and the cat thinks "Wow. I must be some kind of god or something."
I recall reading something via e-mail about the differences between men and women and one line stuck out because it's so true.

Women love cats.

Men like cats (and when women aren't looking, men--KICK cats) :lol:
MACaver said:
I recall reading something via e-mail about the differences between men and women and one line stuck out because it's so true.

Women love cats.

Men like cats (and when women aren't looking, men--KICK cats) :lol:
Pretty much, and if my neighbor's $*@%ing cat doesn't stop taking naps on the hood of my truck I'm gonna do more than kick it (hmm...slingshot or blowgun?)
Slingshot, definitely. In fact, maybe you could get one of those three-person water-balloon-launching slingshots and launch the cat back to where it belongs! I might even use my kung fu animal kata, "dog comes out of house and beats the bejesus out of stupid cat." It's a pretty deadly form.
Xequat said:
Slingshot, definitely. In fact, maybe you could get one of those three-person water-balloon-launching slingshots and launch the cat back to where it belongs! I might even use my kung fu animal kata, "dog comes out of house and beats the bejesus out of stupid cat." It's a pretty deadly form.
Now I've heard of Crane, Tiger, and Leopard forms but I must have missed that one :D