Cat of the week! Gotta love it!

I've seen the video before- pretty funny! I wonder what set it off? Feel sorry for the guy holding it, though- OUCH!
Scared animals will do anything. I spent more than a few days in a vets office, they throw a blanket over cats to control their biting and scratching when they are frightened. Too bad he didn't know much about cats, but he got an education. TW
That reminds me of my cat! I ran out of wet (canned) cat food today and gave him some dry and he just started kicking it around then smacked the box a few times. I know you're not supposed to spank cats, but he came pretty damn close... I was putting band-aids on where he scratched me while this clip loaded. If it weren't pouring rain right now, he would be outside.
Hello, Cats are cute...cornor one... and it becomes a tiger? When someone corner you? a CAT..and turn yourself into the TIGER!
Jonathan Randall said:
That reminds me of my cat! I ran out of wet (canned) cat food today and gave him some dry and he just started kicking it around then smacked the box a few times. I know you're not supposed to spank cats, but he came pretty damn close... I was putting band-aids on where he scratched me while this clip loaded. If it weren't pouring rain right now, he would be outside.

I take it all back. He got hit by a car this evening. When I opened the door to go look for him to bring him inside for the night (hopefully), he was lying on the mat in front of my door. He is still alive but I won't know until morning whether he can be saved or not. :waah: :waah: :waah:
Jonathan Randall said:
I take it all back. He got hit by a car this evening. When I opened the door to go look for him to bring him inside for the night (hopefully), he was lying on the mat in front of my door. He is still alive but I won't know until morning whether he can be saved or not. :waah: :waah: :waah:
Sorry Jonathan... I know what the loss of a pet feels like. Hope you'll be okay.
OMG Jonathan, I am so sorry!

Migosh that is so devastating. I don't know what to say or do...this will be a very tough night for you and your cat. I'm so sorry :waah:
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, Jonathan. I hope he'll get better. :waah:
Thanks all for the concern. :asian:

Apparently, he was not hit by a car, rather he had/has a very serious kidney infection that made it too painful for him to walk. I took him to a cat hospital and he is doing better. He is still a very, very sick cat, but now there is a chance that he may pull through. When I got there, the vet was prepping me for the strong possibility of having to put him to sleep. However, X-Rays and cat leukemia tests came back negative and he is responding to treatment. Thank goodness. Now he and I will have some serious adjusting to do as he is now going to be strictly an indoor cat rather than 70/30 - 70% outside/30% inside.
Jonathan Randall said:
I took him to a cat hospital and he is doing better. He is still a very, very sick cat, but now there is a chance that he may pull through.

Hope he'll recover! :boing2:

We lost our cat to something similar, except it got so aggravated she died during the night before we could take her to the vet... :waah: Outdoor cat with a similar ratio - must have eaten something.

I'm glad your cat is doing better. At least he wasn't completely an outdoor cat! Still, adjustments won't be real fun. Good luck!
Yay for your cat, Jonathan.

These cats are happy for you, too


  • $Cats.jpg
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I think this cat sums it as well too.


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