I really liked that... However, and not to be negative or anything, some of those don't apply if the person who's packing is a dumb ***.
My brother in law just got his concealed weapons permit. He's not a "bad guy," but I really don't feel safe around idiots with guns.
Question: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.
Long before I joined the military and even longer before I joined Law Enforcement I had a gun pulled on me. The person doing it was one of those people who fit "idiot" to a "T." He didn't even have a permit, he wasn't 21 yet and couldn't get one. He was doing it because we were having a disagrement and, while I never really felt like he was going to shoot, I didn't like being on the business end of a loaded(?) weapon was ........more than a little worrisome.
He later got kicked out of the Air Force (Security Forces) for possessing hate literature (I think) and he became more and more out of control afterward, when he came back to Utah. I was AF Security Forces as well but joined after him and ended up in Utah but left to pursue civillian law enforcement work in Colorado so didn't run into him for another 7-8 years.
As an LEO I always carry an approved and qualified on firearm. Sometimes this is a snubnosed wheelgun sometimes it is a skinny little single stack 9 but when I go out of state it is usually the big, double stack 9 (15+1 fast moving ways to exit/end a hostile situation I was once told).
Anyway (to make a short story really long) I ran into AKA "Derf" at a mutual friends house I was visiting. He had gotten heavier and was now a security guard and, I was later told, more of a drinker. He had no clue what I had done and he brought up the military right away. Since I was still a Reserve member I told him "Yes, I am still in the Air Force." and left it at that, I never try not to advertise that I am LE, safer I think.
I was not about to bring up him sticking a gun in my face over 10 years ago but didn't want to stick around and talk to this guy anymore. Now I don't know if my attempting to leave spun him up but suddenly he was trying to get me to stay and he was being beligerant and was actually trying to grab my shoulder to keep me there.
I was trying really hard just to slip away but Derf was having none of that so at one point I simply pushed past him and tried to make my getaway (I really wish I had a ninja smoke pellet right then, no lie

). When I did that he kind of came unglued and began calling me names, shouting really and saying I could leave when he wanted me to leave.
I was about two paces away and was pushing on the screen door to make it outside but knowing that Derf liked guns and had some training in their use I was watching his hands. As I was saying a last goodbye his hands dropped to the but of a Beretta 92FS, 9mm; I know this gun intimately since it is also known as the M9, the standard handgun used by the military and one I carried and carry still off and on for almost 16 years (now).
At the time I just recognized the movements of someone going to gun so I responded as I felt necessary; I wasn't far enough to safely make it outside and go for a run so I went for my gun since it wasn't doing me any good in its holster at the moment.
This isn't a speed issue but I think because I was almost waiting for this to happen and because he was taking his time, not expecting me to be armed, I beat him to the draw; this is the closest I have ever come to shooting someone dead on or off duty.
When I drew I yelled "Stop!" and moved a little. I think Derf was a startled by the yell and the appearence of an equal threat, now directed at his chest less than four feet away. His response was "WTF", a pause and then he started reaching for his gun again.... Thinking back now I dont think he really realized that I was armed as well.
I did then what I still feel was a safe move on my part; as time slowed down I dipped the barrel down and shot a snap kick into his groin. This ended everything then because he went down, I holstered my gun and was able to wrangle a set of handcuffs onto him. Two local PD units arrived as did a supervisor (Sergeant) when I called 911 for an "Officer (off-duty) needs assistance." He got booked, I made a statement and everybody was happy, even the mutual friend who said he was tired of Derf's bigotry, loudness and constant threats.
So I feel I am in synch with the start of the thread and at the same time agree with JBrainard; just because it is a right does not mean you are the right person. Doesn't mean we can do no less to support everyone under the law.
Sorry to drag on, just my .02.