Captain America will be Captain America


Lifetime Supporting Member
Apparently common sense has been maintained in the production of Captain America. this article details that the movie Captain America, about the superhero named "Captain America" will keep the title the same for overseas release in all but three countries. Russia, South Korea and one other. The knuckle heads seem to have realized that the brand name "Captain America," is a world wide brand. Here is the article. The author of the article also makes some keen observations about the world and its relationship with the United States.

rom the article:

America is the world’s sole military super power and Captain America is known for being a patriotic symbol. No matter what you think of this nation of ours, if there are some bad guys who need their teeth kicked in, the world knows where to turn. In other words, if it’s called “Captain America,” you know we mean business.
Here’s to hoping Hollywood did the American hero–and now the world–justice.
Captain America hits theaters July 22nd.

At least we did before the last presidential election...
Some more from the author:

Many on the left would have you believe that the world hates America, but I humbly disagree. An alternative school of thought–one to which I subscribe–is that the world’s left hates America. That’s a lot of people, to be sure, but they don’t speak for everyone. Also, saying the world “hates” us is probably a bit too strong; more accurate would likely be that the world is “super jealous” of America. They’re not jealous of everything, of course, but it gets under the “world community’s” collective skin that we have have enough wealth and freedom to build and play with all the toys we want and enough power to clean up human garbage around the globe whenever we damn well please. Needless to say, a country spending billions upon billions on technology to create the most bad-*** military on the planet will not sit well with your typical pacifist lefty “citizen of the world.” But your typical pacifist lefty “citizen of the world” does not your average superhero movie fan make.
The Hollywood Reporter informs that Marvel Studios and Paramount have elected to keep “Captain America” in the title of their upcoming blockbuster in all but three countries (see below). The Reporternotes that the decisions to keep the U.S. title were likely made based on the fact that Captain America is a universally recognized brand.
Dennis Prager, Captain America and the ingratitude of South Korea:,_thy_name_is_south_korea

He does talk about Captain America having to drop the name but he also writes this:

South Korea has joined with only two other countries in the world in dropping the name of the forthcoming film "Captain America" and using the subtitle, "The First Avenger." The other two countries are Russia and Ukraine. According to the New York Times report, "Although that country (South Korea) is one of Hollywood's top-performing territories, resentment about the continued presence of the United States military runs deep."

Over 36,000 Americans died in America's successful attempt to keep South Korea from becoming communist. And another 92,000 were wounded.
So, forgive me for the contempt I feel for South Koreans who demonstrate against the United States and for the two-thirds of South Koreans who, according to a 2002 Gallup-Korea poll, view the United States unfavorably. Whenever I see those anti-American demonstrators or read such polls, all I can think about are the tens of thousands of Americans who died so that South Koreans would not live in the communist hell their fellow Koreans live in.
Younger South Koreans want American troops to leave their country? Do these young people not know that on planet Earth no other country suffers the mass enslavement, mass incarceration, mass death or the deadening of the mind and soul that North Koreans endure because of the psychopaths who run that country?
"The" change may yet come. I watched a tv promo last night . "Captain America-The first Avenger". They might be phaseing it out here as well.

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