capioera?i think



hey, i heard of this crazy art called capeiroa. its sounds like A LOT of fun! theres this class that teaches it. i wanna go join but im not sure whether is good for fighting. it looks more like break dancing
The art is pretty fun, a lot of the practitioners jump like 6 feet in the air doing flips. I've seen one do 10 feet and over, like the gymnasts in the Olympics.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

hey, i heard of this crazy art called capeiroa. its sounds like A LOT of fun! theres this class that teaches it. i wanna go join but im not sure whether is good for fighting. it looks more like break dancing
Check the Mark Dacascos movie "Only the Strong"

Gene Gabel:asian:
Also, see if you can get any information on Amen Santo. He is one of the "greats" in capoeira, and is a heck of a lot of fun to watch.....;)

He is also the guy that Mark Dacasos is doing capoeira with in the beginning of "Only The Strong".

Have fun!!

Capoeira is really, really intriguing to me, and I'm really pondering the idea of studying it. More arnis, capoeira, more arnis, capoeira...hhhhmmmpphh.
Hey, thanks for the links! I have the second one bookmarked. I should really go and check them out, but unfortunately they're really far away and at times that I'm not free. :(

I guess they'll have to wait.
however, capioera is not for everyone.
Neither is any other martial art.

I've just had a couple of classes in capoeira, and I had a blast. Not something I want to for my martial arts career, but what a fun and stimulating art. And I gaurantee you won't see an out of shape capoeira instructor.

Only The Strong is probably Marc Dacascos best movie. Capoeira is a very cool art with a lot of interesting history. if you have a school around you that teaches it, go check it out. I certainly would. even though my fat **** could never do a handstand..but hey...that's metaphysics for ya...:D
I've wanted to study Capoeira for like 4 years but there's never been a school anywhere near me. I'm still keeping my eyes open though. I don't know if I'd be any good at it but it looks like a lot of fun so I really want to try it.

And I own "Only the Strong". :rolleyes:
My gym recently started a Capoeira class, or possibly more like a club due to the limited amount of students. Its actually really fun. I believe its great for building agility. I've only attended a few classes though. I'm anxious to start flipping!!

The Brazillian soccer team practices capioera. How do you think a lot of them do backflips when they score?
Anyone know if there are any plans to introduce it into the olympics? May sounds strange, but if TKd is there.... oh and my money is on the Brazilians! ;)