

Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score

Anyone here study this?
Anyone here certified in it?
Familiar with it?
Know anyone who studies it?
Know an instructor?

I see their ad all the time and it sounds good but to hear is to doubt. I'm just curious on who has some type of direct experience with it or a practicioner of it.
I have not experienced their training or even seen any of their movement, but I have seen one of their canes and it is well made.

See you on the mat soon
Originally posted by Brian
I have not experienced their training or even seen any of their movement, but I have seen one of their canes and it is well made.

See you on the mat soon

I have no experience with their training as well, and know that their canes look well and are constructed for techniques. With just a little work it can go around my neck without any pain. It fits arounf my calf and my shoulder, just not my thigh. I hear they do make them to order, so if you are looking for one to use against the large opponent I am sure they could put something together.

Check them out. Let us know what you think.
cane master was a nice guy meet him at a tourament got his paper magazine when i get some money down the road i am going to by a cane of his and join his org
I have two of the canes and three videos (and a fancy certificate). The canes become very instinctive for striking and blocking after only a short time. Using them for takedowns and arm-bars or for traps and throws is going to require much more practice. I like the idea for having a portable, acceptable weapon. I have noticed that if I carry it around people tend to check you out.

Another thing, you tend to notice how many canes there are around when you are using one. I saw one of the "Canemaster's" canes being carried by a woman in Ireland. She was not leaning on it.

One of the more important things to me is that the canes have the logo lasered into the stock. The logo is definitely MA in appearance, maybe not to most, but at least to other Martial students, and possibly to alert security personell. Mark Shuey says he carries his right through the airport security, and his is carved and figured with a lot of dangerous looking detail, including fangs and eyes (semi-precious stones).

We have incorporated the cane into Katas, just to get used to swinging while moving and blocking in motion.
I was at a seminar where the Canemaster showed a couple of different techniques, personally i found them impractical and utterly useless, however i am all for carrying a cane around to use as a weapon, but i think its kind of silly to train with one, i mean think about it, its a stick hit them with it, its not like if they are attacking you they have been trained to fight against a cane and you should know counter moves, just whack them with it.

but thats just me :)
I generally don't try to quantify reviews in that fashion. Some people like them, other people hate them. If you train in something like traditional Karate, you'll probably like them. If you train in something like FMA, you probably won't.

The cane is a very versatile weapon. It's more than just a stick; the crook top gives you some options for hooking and trapping that a stick does not. It's a superb tool.
Originally posted by cdhall

Anyone here study this?
Anyone here certified in it?
Familiar with it?
Know anyone who studies it?
Know an instructor?

I see their ad all the time and it sounds good but to hear is to doubt. I'm just curious on who has some type of direct experience with it or a practicioner of it.