Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper


Senior Master
Jan 17, 2010
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Newfoundland, Canada
do you have an opinion on our prime minister Stephen Harper? do you like or dislike him? Why or why not?

Persoally, I can't stand him. One of the biggest reasons is that he's too right wing for my tastes, but there's more than that. I can't write why I dont like him, because it would be a book instead of a little post on a message board lol.

Ok, one reason. He only likes elections to save his own skin or if he thinks he has a chance for a majority government. He doesn't care about democracy. He ratified the NAFO agreement even though most of Parliament voted against it.

He closed Parliament around christmas and is keeping it closed til March after the Olympics. Most think its to avoid discussion on the treatment of afghan detainees who were handed over and tortured. But there's no reason to close the House. No excuse for closing the House for months 2 years in a row always around Christmastime, preventing government from meeting to discuss things!
You mean the spineless sh--bag control freak who has a knack for taking credit for succeses while blaming failures on anybody but himself and his government, or just tries dodging them all togrther?

Thank God he can kiss his dream of a majority government good-bye.
You mean the spineless sh--bag control freak who has a knack for taking credit for succeses while blaming failures on anybody but himself and his government, or just tries dodging them all togrther?

?? I thought this thread was about SH? Not every Liberal PM since, and incluidng PET.
?? I thought this thread was about SH? Not every Liberal PM since, and incluidng PET.
It pretty much describes every PM over the last 40+ years. Except with Harper, Like Mulroney, you can also add Beltway Baglicker.
To my shame, I've never heard of him :eek:.

One thing I will say is that in the three weeks I spent in Canada I came to a cheerful appreciation of the ineptitude of your politicians when it came to lying on camera. It is something to treasure that they are so bad at it - our lot are so slick that, unless you're on your toes, you never feel the knife going in :tup:.
You mean the spineless sh--bag control freak who has a knack for taking credit for succeses while blaming failures on anybody but himself and his government, or just tries dodging them all togrther?

Thank God he can kiss his dream of a majority government good-bye.

yes - that one. :)

i shudder to think what would happen if he did get his majority. Yikes! pass the stola! *runs and hides*
Can't stand him either, he is about as unaccomplised a PM we have had , a guy who champions neocon ideology but whose only private sector job has been as the coffee boy in the mailroom of an oil company.

the guy has cut and run at every sign of adversity in his life, when he couldn't handle the comp sci program at U of T he ran, when Manning was going down in flames he ran, it is well known that during meetings with the old Reform party he would leave meetings when another view other than his own came out on top.
Can't stand him either, he is about as unaccomplised a PM we have had , a guy who champions neocon ideology but whose only private sector job has been as the coffee boy in the mailroom of an oil company.

the guy has cut and run at every sign of adversity in his life, when he couldn't handle the comp sci program at U of T he ran, when Manning was going down in flames he ran, it is well known that during meetings with the old Reform party he would leave meetings when another view other than his own came out on top.

i cant believe my parents actually were two of the voters who helped vote him in in 2006, I knew him for what he was a long time ago but couldnt convince them. they were fooled by his campaining promises to 'give more to newfoundland and give more control to the provinces and weakening the central control of the federal government' All lies. when he got in power, he immediately broke his promise to newfoundland to remove the nonrenewable resources from the equalization formula. I knew he would. My parents were taken in by him. They quickly realized after. But by then it was too late.
i cant believe my parents actually were two of the voters who helped vote him in in 2006, I knew him for what he was a long time ago but couldnt convince them. they were fooled by his campaining promises to 'give more to newfoundland and give more control to the provinces and weakening the central control of the federal government' All lies. when he got in power, he immediately broke his promise to newfoundland to remove the nonrenewable resources from the equalization formula. I knew he would. My parents were taken in by him. They quickly realized after. But by then it was too late.

Did he win a seat in NFLD? Newfies have far too much common sense to let him have a seat.

BTW: where in NFLD do you live? My wife is from Harbour Main.
Did he win a seat in NFLD? Newfies have far too much common sense to let him have a seat.

In 2006 he did. in the 2008 election the conservatives never got one seat. not one here =] due to our government using their ABC campaign 'anything but conservative' =] we knew the conservative are crap at that time. Though we never would have been able to keep him at a minority gov without quebec's support. Its funny about them....the federal government gives them alot of money but quebecers dont like them either.

Ramirez said:
BTW: where in NFLD do you live? My wife is from Harbour Main.

the avalon near st john's, NL's east coast

btw this also made me mad about harper: what you need to vote. Before 2007 your voter's registration card was enough to allow you to vote. In 2007 the harper gov put in this crazy thingy where you needed this:
Elections Canada has now put into place measures contained in the Elections Fraud Act, which received Royal Assent on June 22, 2007. The most obvious change is the requirement for federal voters to prove their identity and residential address when they vote.

For Canadian federal elections or by-elections called after July 26, 2007, voters will be required to
  • show one piece of government identification which shows photo, name and residential address (e.g. a driver's licence), or
  • show two pieces of identification from an authorized list, with both containing the voter's name, and one the voter's residential address, or
  • be vouched for by a voter whose name appears on the voters list in the same polling division who has acceptable pieces of ID. Both will have to make a sworn statement.
In 2008 I went to vote. I had my social insurance number, university ID card, MCP card, voter's registration card, an old expired liquor licence, etc. basically everything that would have proved my identity I mean EVERYWHERE else. Except if it was the Harper government! These werent good enough! Luckily i went with my dad, and he had to vouch for me. Basically if I voted alone, I wouldnt have been able to exercise my basic democratic right to go vote!

Just another example of why I hate him.
btw this also made me mad about harper: what you need to vote. Before 2007 your voter's registration card was enough to allow you to vote. In 2007 the harper gov put in this crazy thingy where you needed this:
Elections Canada has now put into place measures contained in the Elections Fraud Act, which received Royal Assent on June 22, 2007. The most obvious change is the requirement for federal voters to prove their identity and residential address when they vote.

For Canadian federal elections or by-elections called after July 26, 2007, voters will be required to
  • show one piece of government identification which shows photo, name and residential address (e.g. a driver's licence), or
  • show two pieces of identification from an authorized list, with both containing the voter's name, and one the voter's residential address, or
  • be vouched for by a voter whose name appears on the voters list in the same polling division who has acceptable pieces of ID. Both will have to make a sworn statement.
In 2008 I went to vote. I had my social insurance number, university ID card, MCP card, voter's registration card, an old expired liquor licence, etc. basically everything that would have proved my identity I mean EVERYWHERE else. Except if it was the Harper government! These werent good enough! Luckily i went with my dad, and he had to vouch for me. Basically if I voted alone, I wouldnt have been able to exercise my basic democratic right to go vote!

Just another example of why I hate him.

The elections fraud act was recommended unanimously by a Commons committee , made up of members from all parties. The bill was presented in turn to the Commons and Senate where it was passed by all the parties, with the exception of the NDP.

Have you ever worked an election? Or spent hours at a polling station during an election? You have no idea how much fraud there really is. I’ve seen people coming back to vote more than once on multiple occasions.

You’re damn right you should have to provide ID in order to vote, what type of elector system lets people vote basically on the honour system?

I fail to see how this is SH’s fault?
The elections fraud act was recommended unanimously by a Commons committee , made up of members from all parties. The bill was presented in turn to the Commons and Senate where it was passed by all the parties, with the exception of the NDP.

didnt know, didnt care. The conservatives didnt say no. None of em did, according to what u wrote, except the ndp.

ken morgan said:
Have you ever worked an election? Or spent hours at a polling station during an election? You have no idea how much fraud there really is. I’ve seen people coming back to vote more than once on multiple occasions.

not a provincial or federal one. But I ran in a student one. An election for the university students' Union. student politics. Lost the first time i tried; got elected the second time. and there were methods used to make sure no student was able to vote twice. Same in the federal elections. When you voted, they crossed you off because you voted already. and they'd check you to make sure you didnt vote twice.

and what we never did was have students practically have to jump through hoops in order to exercise their democratic right to vote.

ken morgan said:
You’re damn right you should have to provide ID in order to vote, what type of elector system lets people vote basically on the honour system?
ken morgan said:
I fail to see how this is SH’s fault?

and what was so wrong with our voter registration cards? For a long time they worked to allow people to vote. I couldnt use my voters card this time cause it didnt have a pic on it. My old liquor licence (ID) had a name and a pic and so did my university id card but no address. neither did m y social insurance number or mcp card or anything although both identify that i am who i say I am really well. What do I have to do to exercise my right to vote, go out and earn a driver's licence so it would contain all those things so i can vote though I dont have the money for maintanance of a car because I'm poor? and why should i? I had ID's up to here *points to head* that ID me like I said EVERYWHERE. and i still wouldnt have been allowed to vote if not for my father. Its insane. There's reasonable precautions to protect against fraud, and then there's stuff like this which keeps people like me from voting unless I have someone with me even despite all my ID's. It interferes with people's democratic rights like voting.
Well the NDP helped create the legislation and if I recall correctly voted for some amendments to it later.

I’ve sat at voting stations and seen people giving stacks of voter cards out to people in their group. I’ve seen an East Indian and could barely speak English come in and vote under the name Robert Smith, I’ve seen a blond male come in and vote under Andeep Jurnap, and each of them having to look at the cards in order to spell the names. I’ve even seen people try to vote and being told they already have, when in fact they hadn’t.

Like it or not voter fraud exists, every other country in the world requires you to prove who you are before you vote. You need to provide ID to the bank, to credit card companies, to the health insurance people, to the ministry of transportation, to the hospital, why is it so bad to have to provide ID before you vote every few years in an election? It's damn well important, important enough to ensure that there is no fraud!

Do you have any of these? If you did and they still gave you a hard time, then you needed to talk with the returning officer.

Identity Cards

  • Driver's Licence
  • Health Card
  • Canadian Passport
  • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Citizenship Card)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of Indian Status (Status Card)
  • Social Insurance Number Card
  • Old Age Security Card
  • Student ID Card
  • Provincial/Territorial Identification Card
  • Liquor Identification Card
  • Hospital/Medical Clinic Card
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Employee Card
  • Public Transportation Card
  • Library Card
  • Canadian Forces Identity Card
  • Veterans Affairs Canada Health Card
  • Canadian Blood Services/Héma-Québec Card
  • CNIB ID Card
  • Firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence or Possession Only Licence
  • Fishing, Trapping or Hunting Licence
  • Outdoors or Wildlife Card/Licence
  • Hospital bracelet worn by residents of long-term care facilities
Original documents
(with name and address)

  • Utility Bill (telephone, TV, public utilities commission, hydro, gas or water)
  • Bank/Credit Card Statement
  • Vehicle Ownership/Insurance
  • Correspondence issued by a school, college or university
  • Statement of Government Benefits (employment insurance, old age security, social assistance, disability support or child tax benefit)
  • Attestation of Residence issued by the responsible authority of a First Nations band or reserve
  • Government Cheque or Cheque Stub
  • Pension Plan Statement of Benefits, Contributions or Participation
  • Residential Lease/Mortgage Statement
  • Income/Property Tax Assessment Notice
  • Insurance Policy
  • Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee
  • One of the following, issued by the responsible authority of a shelter, soup kitchen, student/senior residence, or long-term care facility: Attestation of Residence, Letter of Stay, Admission Form or Statement of Benefits

Obviously you don’t like the CPC and probably the LPC too, but everything that goes wrong in the country is not SH fault.
Like it or not voter fraud exists, every other country in the world requires you to prove who you are before you vote. You need to provide ID to the bank, to credit card companies, to the health insurance people, to the ministry of transportation, to the hospital, why is it so bad to have to provide ID before you vote every few years in an election? It's damn well important, important enough to ensure that there is no fraud!

yes, fraud exists, but with the bank, and the credit card companies (may they burn in hell, sometimes I think) tohealth insurance, ministry, hospital, my ID's are accepted. Thats the difference. If they were good enough for these very important shmucks, why not to vote in a federal election? and that got my goat, because it violated my rights.

ken morgan said:
Do you have any of these? If you did and they still gave you a hard time, then you needed to talk with the returning officer.
ken morgan said:
Identity Cards

  • Driver's Licence
  • Health Card
  • Canadian Passport
  • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Citizenship Card)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of Indian Status (Status Card)
  • Social Insurance Number Card
  • Old Age Security Card
  • Student ID Card
  • Provincial/Territorial Identification Card
  • Liquor Identification Card
  • Hospital/Medical Clinic Card
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Employee Card
  • Public Transportation Card
  • Library Card
  • Canadian Forces Identity Card
  • Veterans Affairs Canada Health Card
  • Canadian Blood Services/Héma-Québec Card
  • CNIB ID Card
  • Firearm Possession and Acquisition Licence or Possession Only Licence
  • Fishing, Trapping or Hunting Licence
  • Outdoors or Wildlife Card/Licence
  • Hospital bracelet worn by residents of long-term care facilities
Obviously you don’t like the CPC and probably the LPC too, but everything that goes wrong in the country is not SH fault.

Naw....not everything is SH fault - just 99.999999999%.

lol - just kidding. But him and his party, yeah, I really dislike em.

I had these i put in bold. These would be accepted anywhere. But not for a federal polling station. I dont get it.

yes, fraud exists, but with the bank, and the credit card companies (may they burn in hell, sometimes I think) tohealth insurance, ministry, hospital, my ID's are accepted. Thats the difference. If they were good enough for these very important shmucks, why not to vote in a federal election? and that got my goat, because it violated my rights.

Naw....not everything is SH fault - just 99.999999999%.

lol - just kidding. But him and his party, yeah, I really dislike em.

I had these i put in bold. These would be accepted anywhere. But not for a federal polling station. I dont get it.

Yeah...but this list is from the Elections Canada list....:)
Hence why you needed to talk to the RO.
[/list]What is this all about? Doe's it have to do with a liquor license to sell ?

Hell if I know!

Years ago they use to have an age of majority card here in Ontario, so if you didn't have a drivers licence you could still have offical government Id with which to buy alcohol.

Each province controls that stuff, its not from Ontario...that I know of...

No, a licence to sell alcohol would be to an organization, corporation, club, or business entity of some sort. Again another province may be differnet.

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