Canada - The True Home of Freedom!

The words sexual orientation were added in 1996. So equal rights for gay and lesbian people have been entrenched in our consitution for eight years now

Wait just a fairy-walking second here!

YOU mean to tell ME that equal rights for homosexuals have been entrenched in your constitution since 1996, and we haven't seen an explosion of a gay epidemic in Canada since?

Wow...imagine that.

:rolleyes: :uhyeah:
shesulsa said:
Indeed. Satan was cast down because he thought that since we are all created in the eyes of God and in His image that we should all be able to create and wanted that power, thus God shunned him.

So, then the argument would be that Satan tempts the flesh, so my next question would be if animals have souls. The good Christian will tell you that no, they do not. If not, then the devil would have no purpose in tempting animal flesh, correct? If Satan has no purpose in tempting animals, they why is it that when approximately 10% of the human population is homosexual that approximately 10% of the animal population is also gay. Did satan create the animals? No. Would he tempt them to do his bidding? if so, what would be the purpose of making animals fornicate in a homosexual fashion? It makes no sense. Nor do other things, really.
Most religions when confronted with solid research and cold reason fall.
We ridicule people for believing in fairies, but place "angel on board" stickers on our cars. We laugh at the idea of "Gods and Goddesses", while arguing for "1 God".
We say we believe in nothing, yes call upon the "Almighty" whenever we hit our heads or stub our toes. We see athletes praising "the lord" for that touchdown, but never seem to blame him for not sticking around long enough to win the game. In most wars, each side believes "God" is on their side. Only humans could find reason in such a ball of insanity.

If there be a god or gods, and if they created us, then they created straight and gay and nons. (those who don't do either). Christian faith teaches that Satan can not create. So, therefore "God" created all, straight and gay.

Just as a law allowing a non-white to marry a white does not require you to do so if you do not so choose, neither does a law allowing gays all the joy and heartbreak and responsibilities of wedlock result in people suddenly 'gaying up'.

While that path is not my own, who am I to deny 2 people who are in love and want to be together those rights and responsibilities?

Honestly, I see most 'anti-gay' people as hypocrites. They condemn the 2-guy version, but drool over the 2-woman version. I think most 'gay bashing' comes from the programed shame people feel when repressing their own desires. I believe Bobcat said it best when he in one of his stand up routines said something to the fact that the 'toughguy' when beating up the 'gay' did so because of his own repressed desires.
Tulisan said:
Wait just a fairy-walking second here!

YOU mean to tell ME that equal rights for homosexuals have been entrenched in your constitution since 1996, and we haven't seen an explosion of a gay epidemic in Canada since?

Wow...imagine that.

:rolleyes: :uhyeah:
I don't know. I mean, there is the almost non-stop "Queer Eye" display everywhere now. I think it's the beginning of a new wave of terrorism. Soon, we will be sending troops to Toronto to stop the filming (and secretly get wardrobe tips on coordinating camoflage and kahki).

Gee Whiz Professor, a little harsh there aren't you?

rmcrobertson said:
One expects this won't have the slightest effect....
Stuff snipped for space.
And the award for the best "Ghostbusters" reference goes to... Robert!

rmcrobertson said:
<snip> You know--moral decline, the collapse of civilization, dogs and cats, living together...
The award for best supporting reference:

peachmonkey said:
<snip> "Heavens to murgatroid!"

Now to the point.

Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Turn the other cheek.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

What gives you a clue that gays should be treated differently than anyone else? Sorry, I don't see it, at least not within the 'ethics' cited above.

Seems to me that we're all supposed to get along.
PeachMonkey said:
Awww, c'mon, Robert, you're being insensitive! Surely somone forced a remote control into Melissa's hand and made her watch a sitcom with a stereotypical gay character, thereby throwing homosexuality into her face!

Heck, some gay couple probably had the audacity to maybe hold hands in public *in her presence*!

Heavens to murgatroid!
Yeah! How DARE they complain about Gays and Lesbians marching down the streets of <Insert City Here> in plain Veiw of our children carrying things like Giant Penises and other assorted items that would be considered Lewd or inappropriate if Joe Straight Guy did it!

Damn those Christians, its all on THEIR shoulders... THEY are the ones holding everyone back with their stupid morality and ideas!


Ahem. Yeah.
You know TP, you are right. People doing stupid obcene crap like that should be dealt with.

But then again, so should those anti-abortion *******s who hand out photos of aborted fetuses to 10 year olds, oh and their parents who throw them in the front lines at rallies.

Some lunatic running around dresses as "DildoMan" isn't the issue, it is people who are somehow offended when 2 girls or 2 guys are just holding hands.

It is really cute when our kids do it, but all of a sudden it is no longer "cool" for Jimmy to give Steve a hug. Suddenly, they are "Gay". I think people read too much into things, and should just relax.

I also think extremists should be taken out and whipped with hot pasta until they have had enough. For the fanatics, we can use that pasta in the shape of body parts, and for the perverts, the plain. That should be punishment enough.
@ michaeledward, robert, bester, and others :idunno:

i harbour nothing personal toward the Canadians. they have great bacon :ultracool just seems that anytime something negative shows its ugly face pertaining to our government/leaders/whatever, our first line of action is always, "well look at Canada, they do this, they let you do this, blah, blah, blah...". and i'm not just talking about this forum, i hear it alot, everywhere. apparently, we should try to mimic everyone else. is that it?

in enforcing our current policies, all we as a nation (majority) are doing is sticking to our guns. believing what we are doing is right, believing in the principles that this nation was founded upon. and now, in saying this, i know this opens up a whole new can of worms (or well-beaten horse) pertaining to our "all men are equal" stance as a country. "if we are SO equal, then why can't gays marry." stuff like this. if our forefathers were alive today, they'd probably fall under the "white-christian-conservative-male" genre, for the most part anyways.

when i see things like "election 2004 stolen" or "bush is crooked and cheated his way to the white house", it's all crap. my challenge to you and robert, bester, and anyone else i avidly disagree with here is to do a better job of getting your kind of candidate in the white house. i think someone earlier said that was a "cop-out" when i previously posted it. it's the TRUTH. you wanna see cop-out...? how about "stolen election". :rolleyes: ya know, as much as i despised kerry and most of what he believed in, did and said, if he had won our recent election, i would of moved on. i would have been ok with that because the majority of our nation's people felt that way. and i'm not just saying this because he lost. we have the greatest form of government on the planet. sure, it won't please everyone ALL the time. but name one other that even comes close. george w. bush is a human being just like you and i. he will NEVER make perfect decisions ALL the time. deal with it.

we can't all get along all the time. sure there has to exist disagreements. but let's remain disagreeing in truth, and not trumped up accusations and rediculous claims. I may disagree with what you believe in, but I shall defend to the death your right to believe it. we are indeed a great country :asian:
1. At the risk of mentioning reality--Constitutional and physical--see, there's this wacky thing called the Bill of Rights? First ten or so Amendments to the Constitution? They--you know, and admittedly it's embarassin'--basically establish protection for the rights of worship, assembly, and free speech? So, see, what THAT means is that people who believe differently from us get to do that? No matter how much we dislike their beliefs? So, see, you don't get to prohibit being gay, and gay people don't get, no effect, right?

2. The fundamental problem has nothing to do with the Bill of Rights. It has to do with people who, for whatever reason, are absolutely flipped out over the concept of gay people. So flipped out, in fact, that they'll cheerfully throw over their usual claims about being libertarian,, no effect, right? You get to tell everybody else.

3. You're offended by a crowd of idjits parading down the street? Some of us are offended by all sorts of things--KKK marches, dopes waving Confederate flags and yelling about "white pride," fly-overs by 2 billion a copy worthless stealth bombers, TV Bible-thumpers, the assorted preachers who preach that, GOD HATES FAGS,(check the Internet), the glorification of capital and consumerism---come to mind immediately. And you know what? Cowboy up, kids--ther're lots of things in a free society that you don't get to dictate.

4. Will be dropping issue of a crappy President who weaseled out of going to Vietnam, lost the popular vote and squeezed through the Electoral College under iffy circumstances with the aid of a clot of well-connected, wealthy cronies, ideologues and Bible-thumpers, then proceeded to run up 2 trillion in unpayable debt and run into a war based on lies, stupidity, and forty years of insane foreign policy in the Mideast. Just as soon as the folks who endlessly worry over the Clintons (those bastards! they...they pushed for national health care! he had a sex life, some of it sleazy! she kept yakking about women's rights, and that means she must have been a lesbian!!! they were accused of minor scandals! they...they WERE SUPPORTED BY BLACK PEOPLE!!) drop it.

5. Fact is, folks, some of you think that "rights," applies only to people who believe as you do. You're offended that there are other sorts of people, and that they have the nerve not to go through life lying. The rest of us are offended by little phenomena like gay bashing (you know--good ol' American boys, who like to cruise for gay men and beat them with pipes?), and obviously-discriminatory legal practices.

6. The world is different from forty years ago. Mostly on these kinds of issues, it's a better place. Cowboy up; live with it.

7. And oh yes--gay people ain't your enemy. Why blame them for the changes that capitalism brings, especially for the rewriting of the family and sexuality?
Bester said:
You know TP, you are right. People doing stupid obcene crap like that should be dealt with.

But then again, so should those anti-abortion *******s who hand out photos of aborted fetuses to 10 year olds, oh and their parents who throw them in the front lines at rallies.
Yeah, they are no better, I agree.

Bester said:
Some lunatic running around dresses as "DildoMan" isn't the issue, it is people who are somehow offended when 2 girls or 2 guys are just holding hands.
I agree with this as well, However, there are PLENTY of people who disregard that behavior as "gays fighting for their rights" and do not see it as being flagrant or "in your face" when it undoubtedly is.

Bester said:
It is really cute when our kids do it, but all of a sudden it is no longer "cool" for Jimmy to give Steve a hug. Suddenly, they are "Gay". I think people read too much into things, and should just relax.
Absolutley. THAT is an issue as well. The same Guy who would "freak" and start a fight with two guys for holding hands in a bar won't think 2 thoughts about a couple football players patting each others... butts.

I mean come on.

I tell ya what tho... I do get frustrated with the constant Villification of "Christians" and "Christianity"... The same folk who are quick to defend the Muslums claiming "Not all Muslims are Radical Extremists looking to kill the Devil americans" are screaming that "The Christians" are the ones "Oppressing" the Gays.

Uh huh. Sure we all are.
Hm. Could anybody provide specific citation of instances in which anybody claimed that "all Christians,' are responsible?

Some certainly are. For example, here's the sort of example that some of us do find a bit, well, indicative.

This comes from the website of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas:

Good evening gentle friend.

Welcome to the Westboro Baptist Church homepage. This page is dedicated to preaching the Gospel truth about the soul-damning, nation-destroying notion that "It is OK to be gay."

"GOD HATES FAGS" -- though elliptical -- is a profound theological statement, which the world needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water and bread. The three words, fully expounded, show:

1. the absolute sovereignty of "GOD" in all matters whatsoever (e.g., Jeremiah 32:17, Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6, Proverbs 16:4, Matthew 19:26, Romans 9:11-24, Romans 11:33-36, etc.),
2. the doctrine of reprobation or God's "HATE" involving eternal retribution or the everlasting punishment of most of mankind in Hell forever (e.g., Leviticus 20:13,23, Psalm 5:5, Psalm 11:5, Malachi 1:1-3, Romans 9:11-13, Matthew 7:13,23, John 12:39-40, 1 Peter 2:8, Jude 4, Revelation 13:8, 20:15, 21:27, etc.), and
3. the certainty that all impenitent sodomites (under the elegant metaphor of "FAGS" as the contraction of ******s, fueling the fires of God's wrath) will inevitably go to Hell (e.g., Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 7, etc.). (If you are concerned with our use of the word "fag", please click here to find out why we use this word.)

The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell. Heb. 13:4. Decadent, depraved, degenerate and debauched America, having bought the lie that It's OK to be gay, has thereby changed the truth of God into a lie, and now worships and serves the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen! Rom. 1:25. But the Word of God abides. Better to be a eunuch if the will of God be so, and make sure of Heaven. Mat. 19:12. Better to be blind or lame, than to be cast into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Mk. 9:43-48. Abstain, you fools.

Somehow, this sort of thing seems a little more dangerous and, "in your face," than the old parade with paper-mache penises.
A request. Could you (and anyone else too) please differenciate between your comments, and the referenced? Quote, color, ====, or white space? I can see where you end and the quote begins, but someone else might not.

Thank you.

(But please, no pictures of paper-mache penises. The last thing we need is a lawsuit from the pinyata fetishists y'know....) :D
Sapper6 said:
i harbour nothing personal toward the Canadians.
Hmm ... then what were you railing at?

You really couldn't have been yelling about gay people marrying, could you? Is that what you are so worked up about? Naaa! can't be.

I mean, if my mother-in-law and her partner get married, what impact would that have on you? Zip! Nada! Zilch!

Why would you get so worked up about that?

Sapper6 said:
in enforcing our current policies, all we as a nation (majority) are doing is sticking to our guns. believing what we are doing is right, believing in the principles that this nation was founded upon. and now, in saying this, i know this opens up a whole new can of worms (or well-beaten horse) pertaining to our "all men are equal" stance as a country. "if we are SO equal, then why can't gays marry." stuff like this. if our forefathers were alive today, they'd probably fall under the "white-christian-conservative-male" genre, for the most part anyways.
Yeah, I'm all for standing on the principles this nation was founded upon, you know, like slavery. That was a pretty important part of our founding fathers 'white-christian-conservative-male' would. Hell, Thomas Jefferson fathered children with his slave. We need to get back to some of that old time religion.

Of course, I don't think Mr. Jefferson would take kindly to you lumping him in with the 'white-christian-conservative-male' of today. I think it is pretty well documented that TJ was not really a believer in the Trinity, don't you know?

Now, Let's see ... why is it that we don't have slavery in this country anymore? Once upon a time, we 'stuck to our guns'; Kept bringing those slaves over from Africa. Believeing in what we were doing was right; nothing like almost free labor.

Seems to me, at some point in the last 230 years, we (the American people) must have re-examined what they believed; must have been willing to put down their guns and discuss, or at least think about that 'all men are created equal' malarkey.


Sapper6 said:
we have the greatest form of government on the planet. sure, it won't please everyone ALL the time. but name one other that even comes close.
How familiar are you with the forms of government in the other 180 plus nations inhabiting the globe? To say we are the 'greatest' indicates that you have a thorough understanding of each of those neighbor nations.

This community, no doubt has a form of government that, by one measure at least, is far superior to ours. It seems to have survived for, perhaps, 70,000 years. Oddly, while the Jarawa lived directly in the tsunami's danger zone, none of the tribe were harmed by the phenomena. Something our modern science was not able to do for too many others.

As for naming one form of government that even comes close to ours .... well, how about Canada?

Sapper6 said:
we can't all get along all the time. sure there has to exist disagreements. but let's remain disagreeing in truth, and not trumped up accusations and rediculous claims. I may disagree with what you believe in, but I shall defend to the death your right to believe it. we are indeed a great country
I don't think any of the claims I made are ridiculous. I am curious why you will defend my belief that my gay mother-in-law and her lover deserve to share their relationship with the community through marriage, but you will not support the legal possibility of that happening?

Thank you.

yeah, Canada is great! you movin' soon...? i don't see why not, with this place being so f'ed up :idunno:

we aren't talking about slavery here mikey. try to stay on topic if you can. you have a tendacy to rant off topic alot and get people lost. slavery in our countries history has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. why the diversion...? :rolleyes:

of course, i have an understanding foreign governments elsewhere, and i will still say ours, although having it's fair share of downfalls, still comes out on top. i couldn't help but notice your claim to that tribal government existing for 70,000 years. i don't believe that's even possible but if you say so. we live in a modern society here man. i don't believe the two are even comparable, but again, if you say so. and just so you know, it doesn't take all that much scientific understanding to predict a tsunami. didn't you pay attention in science class...? for god's sake, a 12 year old briton girl saw it coming, what makes this tribe so special...? don't preach science to me, you're bound to lose :cool: if you'd like further elaboration on this matter, feel free to PM me. i'd rather not take this thread even more off topic than it already has gone.

i wasn't exactly making reference to YOU personally making rediculous claims of a fraudulant election, but more, people sharing your line of thinking instead. if the shoe fits...

you ask..."I am curious why you will defend my belief that my gay mother-in-law and her lover deserve to share their relationship with the community through marriage, but you will not support the legal possibility of that happening?"

whatever the law, that's what i support. it's my job. i'm not so shallow that i'm offended by the actions of two women holding hands in public, or men for that matter. whatever they desire, it doesn't concern me. i could care less of course. we're obviously different. i have faith in my government, regardless of the party governing the people. this topic is obviously a little personal to you. i'm going to show myself out of it now.

perhaps a new thread is in order. here's an idea for thought: what's more patriotic? support of your government, even if you don't agree entirely with it's recent actions. or...bashing your government and finding every little fault it's experienced since it's inception?

have faith in democracy my friend. you are an American. either be proud of that fact or get a passport.

enjoy your discussion, i'm changing the channel :asian:
Sorry, Mr. Rustaz. In case it comes up as an issue, everything from "Good evening, gentle friend," through, "Abstain, you fools," is a quote from the Westboro Baptist Church Website.

One has to admire this idiot's Gandalf-like language ("Fly, you fools").

One also has to admire the, "love it or leave it," argument...must track that one down. It's sure that it goes back to the Birchers of the early-1960s,
A few have complained that when some citizens rail about the lack of marital rights for homosexual couples that we always point fingers at the Christians.

Well now. I would be remiss if I did not say that not all who oppose homosexuality or their "lifestyle" are Christian, but I believe most of them are or use the bible as a premis on which to base the claim that it is against God and nature (which is bullpucky, really). How many times have I heard "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve?" Too many, thank you.

As for seeing two males walking down the street holding hands being in-yer-face gayism, then what the hell is a woman and a man doing the same? In-yer-face heteroism? Perhaps huge papermache penises and all other phallic idols have a place in Asia (where they are touched for assurance of fertility and good luck), they most likely don't on the streets of America, but doncha think we're a little hung-up (as opposed, of course, to hung-down) about all the penises parading down our streets? I have not heard one word about all the vulvar structures in the arena in Star Wars Episode 2 - gawd, they're everywhere! One with a tighter anal cavity might be offended at such a reference - sue the producers and the filmaker (a la the case against Disney for phallic symbols on the covers of their kiddie movies on vhs)!

A person might think that if one is too ashamed to look at large structures of genital representations that one might stop looking at them and pay more attention to their own. But that would take actually owning one's own eyes and being in charge of one's own faculties.

Gimme a break.
shesulsa said:
A person might think that if one is too ashamed to look at large structures of genital representations that one might stop looking at them and pay more attention to their own. But that would take actually owning one's own eyes and being in charge of one's own faculties.

Gimme a break.
So... uh, its cool to take your kids to see, I dunno, Deep Throat in the XXX theater.

Personally, *I* could care less about being exposed to a Big Freaking Rubber dong being waved around on the street, or some chicks walking about without their shirts... (the more of the latter, the better, I say) I'm certainly not ashamed, Ive been to my share of Gay Bars in Chicago, and I would never complain about the stuff being done in those clubs... I'm also not opposed to stuff like that on TV, Movies, etc... We have a lot of controll of our veiwing of that... as well as our childrens viewing of it...

But do we really want our young daughters exposed to the Big rubber penises?

And for the record, I feel the same way about many of the CRAZY clothing billboards you see, like for Vicky's Secrets and such... is it neccessary to expose our kids to the BLATANT sexuality, regardless of whether its Straight, Gay, Bi, or with Sheep?

If Dr. Drew is to be believed, exposure to these type of things at a young age leads to Intamacy issues and other sorts of sexual "dysfunction" whether it be hypersexuality, predisposition to predatory sex partners or what have you...

Now, If that is actually true, is it REALLY worth it???
Sapper6 said:
yeah, Canada is great! you movin' soon...? i don't see why not, with this place being so f'ed up
You are back to Canada, again. Whew. I thought you said you had nothing against Canada.

Sapper6 said:
we aren't talking about slavery here mikey. try to stay on topic if you can. you have a tendacy to rant off topic alot and get people lost. slavery in our countries history has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. why the diversion...?
My paragraphs, and sentences usually come together into 'thoughts'. I got yelled earlier in this thread for speakly slowly, so everyone could follow along. What I think we are talking about is that, in your opinion, the United States government is superior to all other governments. Yet, someone has pointed out that the Canadian government provides more freedom to homosexuals, in regards to constitutional protections and marriage rights. Now, despite these additional protections for homosexuals in Canada, you continue with your premise (The US Government is superior) because we 'fight for what we know is right'.

By this last assertion, I can only assume you are referencing two items, the Presidents proposed Constitution Amendment adding a dictionary clause to the Constitution, and the eleven state referenda outlawing gay marriage from the November 2nd elections.

I just wanted to point out a bit of history (aka the whole slavery thing) to demonstrate that the United States people, at one point in history at least, were able to think about an issue enough to change their collective minds; to appropriately amend the Constitution (aka The Law of the Land).

It's been done in the past, it might happen again. Hopefully soon, and this time on the subject of homosexuality.

Sapper6 said:
of course, i have an understanding foreign governments elsewhere, and i will still say ours, although having it's fair share of downfalls, still comes out on top. i couldn't help but notice your claim to that tribal government existing for 70,000 years. i don't believe that's even possible but if you say so. we live in a modern society here man. i don't believe the two are even comparable, but again, if you say so. and just so you know, it doesn't take all that much scientific understanding to predict a tsunami. didn't you pay attention in science class...? for god's sake, a 12 year old briton girl saw it coming, what makes this tribe so special...? don't preach science to me, you're bound to lose if you'd like further elaboration on this matter, feel free to PM me. i'd rather not take this thread even more off topic than it already has gone.
Did you read the article on the other end of that hyperlink? You know, the letters that were blue, with http:// on the front of them?

And, if you are so wise in the area of science, why do we have 150,000 dead in Asia?

And for the record, Yes, I paid attention in Science class, right up through Chemistry, which I dropped because the instructor said I needed to get a calulator, which I felt made it a math class. -- Now, that's a 'rant off topic'.

Sapper6 said:
you ask..."I am curious why you will defend my belief that my gay mother-in-law and her lover deserve to share their relationship with the community through marriage, but you will not support the legal possibility of that happening?"

whatever the law, that's what i support. it's my job. i'm not so shallow that i'm offended by the actions of two women holding hands in public, or men for that matter. whatever they desire, it doesn't concern me. i could care less of course. we're obviously different. i have faith in my government, regardless of the party governing the people. this topic is obviously a little personal to you. i'm going to show myself out of it now.
In case you haven't heard, the law on the matter of gay marriage is determined in each state. You keep talking about the United States government. They are different entities you know. How is it that you can defend the United States government for something that, currently at least, is not covered by its authority? You have heard that gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts, haven't you?

Sapper6 said:
perhaps a new thread is in order. here's an idea for thought: what's more patriotic? support of your government, even if you don't agree entirely with it's recent actions. or...bashing your government and finding every little fault it's experienced since it's inception?
'every little fault'. Wow. Won't it be funny if, say, 100 years from now, the citizens of the United States at that time view gay marriage and slavery as similar oppressions; denial of rights to a specific group of human beings based on something so trivial as the color of their skin or who they like to kiss. I'm sure they will all think those earlier oppressions were 'little faults'.

Mr. Sapper, I have not bashed my government in this thread. At least twice, you have expressed a desire to throw me out of the country of my birth, citizenship and loyalty. I find those statements repulsive. If your job is truly to uphold the law, I find the attitude cavalier and unappealing. It does not speak well for you or your profession.


Michael Atkinson.
rmcrobertson said:
What you are NOT entitled to do is to go around and demand that everybody believe as you believe, learn as you've learned, teach as you teach. What you are not entitled to do, in fact, is meddle with other people's Constitutitonally-protected rights of worship and speech.
And neither are you, or anyone else.

Which is what you seem to be doing to me and others who believe as I do. But if I make assumptions or wrong inferences about your posts, which you have done re: mine, then I beg your pardon.

This whole thread is beginning to remind me of the song from the South Park Movie... the chorus was something like "Blame Canada. "


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