You ask what my background is, why shouldn't I ask about yours?
Honestly, there's no reason you shouldn't ask. By all means, I welcome the questionÂ… however, the simple fact here is that my bona fides in this regard are fairly well established (look through the threads in this section for my posts, for example), whereas your posts show rather the opposite. So, by all means, ask whatever you want in regards to my knowledge and understandingÂ… but at least have the common courtesy to answer the questions posed to yourself as well. There have been a number I've asked that you have simply ignoredÂ… ones that could have cleared up your level of understanding quite quickly.
Now, with that saidÂ…
As I said before, my preferences in swords are my preferences and everybody else doesn't have the same preferences I do. I like the swords I've got but that doesn't mean other people have to like them too. So there is no point in people knowing my background on swords, Im not trying to push my preferences on them.
This isn't what you said in the thread title, the opening post, your second post, and so on.
I don't claim to be knowledgeable on swords, Im just happy with the swords I've got. That doesn't mean other people have to think they're good swords.
Actually, you did claim to be knowledgable about swords. That's the premise of the threadÂ… and most of your posts in it.
My complaints aren't so much with my training or my dojo but rather with some of the attitudes and stereotypes that are prevalent in the martial arts community itself but that is another topic.
"Attitudes and stereotypes"?!? Dude, I have no idea what you're going on aboutÂ…
As for being credible on swords, I was not out to win in the first place. Nobody has to agree with me on what would make a good sword.
Let's look at your first two posts, thenÂ…
The OP:
I just got a sword from a Canadian company. I must say, Canada makes good swords, or at least the company I got the sword from does.
You state pretty simply that "Canada makes
good swords"Â… which is a qualitative comment. It is a comment stating that the sword you purchased is good (quality)Â… not "Hey, I got this sword, and I really like it"Â… no, your comment was "these are good swords". Here's the thingÂ… you liking something is not equal to it being good. I really like terrible, lousy, groan-inducing jokesÂ… that doesn't make them "good" jokesÂ… I really like trashy popcorn filmsÂ… are they "good"? Nope!
Then, when asked what qualified you to make the observation that the swords were "good" (note: not that you liked them, that they were "good"), the response was:
First of all, the material its made out of. Some people who don't know much about swords erroneously believe that stainless steel is a good material when in fact its very poor. Stainless steel is way to brittle to make good swords and a sword made of it doesn't serve much purpose other than being a wall decoration. Carbon steel such as AISI 10XX or AISI 5160 are good materials. Also, its much better to have a hand forged sword than a sword that's entirely factory produced. A good sword will be sharp and will cut well and have good hardness but will also be flexible and will have a blade that can easily bend. I would also want a sword that looks nice although for me that is a secondary concern. There are tests to determine if a sword is good, one of which is to try the sword on rolled up tatami mats.
Which is a list of aspects of the crafting of the weapon that you think are important (missing the point and actual question you were asked)Â… with such comments as talking about what "people who don't know much about swords erroneously believe"Â… but you weren't looking to be seen as knowledgable?
Do you want to try again?