Yes that is the protocol, I know its commen knowlage thoughout our lingage, But theres a fine line between proforming in correctly and not,
You Know all this yet can not tell me the basic princible of Standing stillmor how you MAINTAIN it,
You see this is the type of crap I hate about chinese martial arts , people try to complicate things and make them sound all mysterious.
Trying to make something very simple sound very complex in some sort of bid to put themselves on a pedestal.
When Sigung teaches he doesn't rave on about stillness , he just says Tei Gong , back straight , relax , focus to the centreline.
The basic principle of standing still is to RELAX and CONCENTRATE , its no friggin secret.
This is an excerpt from the man himself.
"In order to be successful , one must be able to relax the muscle of the whole body , to infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is maintained straight , to contract the anus , and to concentrate the mind during the training.
It is not easy to tell if the learner is correct by just looking at the figure.
When one is getting towards successful, he begins to feel the existence of "Force of Idea".
If he has great belief that he possesses the "Force of Idea" and has really given up the exerting of force in his moves , he has achieved the state of complete relaxation".
So stop complicating things and acting like some sort of guru who holds the only true path to enlightenment.