Can you go 24 hours without your PC

What I find interesting is that the computer has become so much a part of our society that most of us could not go 24 hours without it if we wanted to. Also notice that this 24 hours without a PC is on a Saturday, it has absolutely no chance of success Monday through Friday.

Could I go 24 hours without the PC on a Saturday, Yes I couldÂ….I thinkÂ… and to be honest I am going to see if I can actually do it.
Well soon I will find out if I can go 24 hours without my PC

hmmmm I wonder if a laptop counts or HEY maybe I could find a Mac somewhere... actually I have one in my office... hmmm maybe I need to go into the office tomorrow :D
45.5 hours no PC, Mac or Laptop

And 754 posts in that amount of time were made here on MT

16.57 posts/hour
I forgot all about it. But I'll ... find another excuse another day .... :uhoh:
it's tough... very tough...

The last time is over a year ago when i went to Japan for 3 weeks.
Even then i got behind the screen a couple of times a week but there were
'offline' days involved.
I think i survived due to being within an hour from Akihabara ( electric town ) :D
I got to tell you some of the best vacations I have and have had were; A few working vacation on a tree farm in the mountains of Pa for a week or more there were no PCs for miles and in Beijing for 2 weeks generally (hopefully more later) where I do not even think about computers.

Computers are my job and everywhere I go people ask me to work on theirs but in Beijing it is all in Chinese and I am so far from fluent in reading Chinese no one asks me to do a thing.

I live in a bit of a paradox these days, I am absolutely beginning to despise computers but yet Monday - Friday it is ALL I deal with.
I simply sould not go without it for 24 hours, I am weak and have no reason but that. Sorry to all that made it, beat me with a stick I am bad..
I lasted 23 hours without PC on Saturday... the 24th hour, I "had" to bend. Curiosity got the best of me when I heard about some certain things in the news and had to go online to check on that, and once done, led to peeking briefly here on MartialTalk.

23 hours.... does that count?
I lasted 23 hours without PC on Saturday... the 24th hour, I "had" to bend. Curiosity got the best of me when I heard about some certain things in the news and had to go online to check on that, and once done, led to peeking briefly here on MartialTalk.

23 hours.... does that count?

Sure, I made it 45.5, lets just say I made it 44.5 and you can take one of my hours :)

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