Can you go 24 hours without your PC

I tried that once....took me 3 days to stop shaking. ;)
Been there done that... sigh. Helped me realize that I do need to get out more.
I could but then I would loose my title of Ultimate Post Whore Extreme.
I went for several months without mine. I pay most of my bills online so an extended period really made things inconvenient. One day I can do. The only thing I really ever do on the computer is come here. I could take a day off if everyone on the board promises to be really, really good and not generate too many RTMs.:wink2:
I'll say this -- I have a buddy who has agreed with me that he and I should round up some friends and go to a national park in our state for a get-away for a few days.

If this happens, and I hope it does, then HECK YES I can get away from the computer --> you watch me! Get away from EVERY electronic gadget of any kind --> move ZERO data!

That's right --> just pitch a tent, sit around a campfire talking and having a sing-along, and then staring at the stars before sleeping. Maybe walking around a little bit on some trails.

Heck yes, you bet your rear end, this user will certainly be away from the computer machines for about 3 days in a row if this freaking plan works out!!!
Yeah, when I go camping I don't bring a laptop, I don't surf on my Blackberry ... none of that.

But to turn it off and be in the same room with it? :eye-popping: :uhoh: Last time I did that my house got clean and laundry done and cobwebs swept. My papers were all filed and bills paid, I exercised and ate healthy. It was HORRIBLE!!! :eek:

It's an odd thing, my reaction to the idea. I hate and loathe modern communications, particularly mobile phones (spawn of Satan, destroy them all!) but I find the Net communities I've become part of to be quite an important part of my daily life. I suppose because I have much more control over which conversations I take part in rather than having them forced upon me.

Could I do without my (domestic) PC for a day? Well yes, very easily. Would I choose to for no better reason than someone else's idea of a good notion for a 'national day'? No thanks - just like I used to smoke more on No Smoking day :D. A part of my nature that I'm not sure I like is that if you persuade me of a course of action I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth ... try and make me do something and it's a whole other ball game :eek:.
Well, yeah, technically I can. But I would prefer not to, though! REALLY long story involving me, my computer crashing, and me bursting into tears when my mom couldn't fix it because I had pictures of my Nona (who died the year before) on it. Actually, it was longer than 3 days, it took a couple of weeks for my computer to get fixed(at least they were able to save the pictures I had on my computer). But, at least I was able to go online at school!
Well, sure, I've had some weekends without using my computer, so going without for 24 hours is not a big deal. However, during the weekdays, using a computer is part of my job, so I have to--or I'll be out of work. I also pay my bills online, so there are times having a computer is necessary.

Could I survive a few days without a computer (at home)? Yes... I've had to make do without several times :rolleyes: (when my kids take over using my computer for certain reasons).

- Ceicei
Well... I just went about 50 hours or so without internet or cable, because a contractor, heeding the mismarked lines found the actual location of the buried cable wire... And the cable company was ever-so-fast about fixing it.

Which they only did an hour or so ago... and only did half-way. They did our house, not the others, and they didn't bury the cable they ran...

I'm waiting to see if they follow up and finish, 'cause I'm not done the letter about this little experience...

And these idiots want me to change my phone service to them, too...
I can but I want, I need my daily fix of BS from here so here it is for today.