"you did ask for advice?"
Yeah, advice, which I've taken into consideration and thanked you for, and despite which I've made a decision, and then explained the basis of what I ultimately decided. There is zero chance I'm doing both together. The value of yoga for martial arts can't be zero, because, for whatever else the other aspects of yoga may be worth, it /does/ improve your flexibility and muscle strength. There is no physical activity where those aren't of benefit.
It's one thing to give advice, and quite another to criticize a person's decision once that advice is given. Despite what you've said, that /is/ how it comes off. There is no reason for you to be so concerned over the fact that I'm not taking a martial art THIS second. Calling it procrastination is inaccurate for reasons I've given above. I took your experience into account. /You/ may have regretted getting into shape before starting training, but I assure you, there is no chance I will look back on doing yoga and think 'gee, that was a waste of time.'
And, honestly, if you really thought I was just putting getting into the martial art off, I don't see why you would think it's right for me. Shouldn't that be a yellow, possibly even a red flag, about how long I'm going to stick with it? It's pointless for me to dive headlong into something that might not even be sustainable in my life. Eight hours is the /maximum/, and that's with some serious time budgeting. That's hoping that there's no semester where I have to study an extra hour more a night than I thought. That's assuming nothing unexpected happens each and every week. It makes much more sense to see how it works out with something like yoga, than it does to see how it works out with a martial art. Starting something to quit it is a damn shame; why do that to myself or to a future instructor who invests their time and possibly personal investment into my development? That makes no sense.
When it comes to my situation, rushing into it isn't bold, it's unwise. And I'm telling you it's unwise, and you're not listening. That's frustrating. Again, thank you for the advice, but that's enough.