Can Drugs enhance your training?

I guess if you plan on being high or drunk a lot then you probably want to be prepared for what might happen to you while under the influence. I fail to see how this helps you grow as a martial artist, however.

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If you're drunk or stoned a lot you're probably an *** hole.

They get into a lot of fights.

Funny that.
Heightened awareness and relaxation go hand in hand in Wing Chun,
Drinking over the limit is no good for any one, Threats?, i dont make threats, i make promises,
Grammer isnt going to help me knock your lights out is it? Im not one for Square mindsets, black and white, there is grey matter,
I dont reccomend any Drugs, Green Tea is a Good for relaxation, And many ogf benifits to Herbal medicine, You should look into chinese medicine practices,

Heightened awareness and relaxation go hand in hand in Wing Chun,
Drinking over the limit is no good for any one, Threats?, i dont make threats, i make promises,

So ... is the first quote from you a hypothetical statement or are you being an *** to the person you were replying to?
My mother used to say this to add weight to her threat.

Threats are Usually full of Hot Air, Believe me i had my share, I was clearly stating that grammer isnt going to win fights, im sure Mike Tyson would agree,

Seems the worlds full of Nazis,
This Thread is a amazing. I mean, Uwe Boll style amazing, where You cant decide if You should giggle or rest Your face on Your hands.
Drunk or stoned i can still preform Wing chun,

Having done both in my youth , I can tell you that you only think you can because of your altered perception.
But the reality is really quite different.

"Quote " You have to be able to enter the "Siu Nim Tau state" instantly , using only your mind ,

Then its a good idea to be in Siu Nim Tau state all the time dont you think?

Having a fully concentrated mind is not the same as being drunk or stoned I'm afraid , otherwise we could all just give up training the Siu Nim Tau form and sit on the couch all day downing six packs and smoking bongs.
Dirty Dog's comment "If you want to alter your mind, so it WITH your mind." reminds me of the concept of meta-programming (RA Wilson wrote about this a fair bit) I may be over simplifying but I think it's just self-hypnosis.
Every time you do your forms and training you are adding strength to the label you attach yourself. "I am a WC dude" " I am a Martial Artist". We can not help but become our labels. This is an explaination of where confidance is coming from.
Since I started SLT I'm noticably more robust of the upper body, some of this was thought. It is with our thoughts that we shape the world.
This was in the opening sequence of the TV show Monkey.

As far as threats are concerned the important word to be wary of throwing around is in italics
"Grammer isnt going to help me knock your lights out is it?" This may have been unintentional but it's still a bit personal and can be interpreted as an infringement of forums rules. A better word if no assault was intended would have been "someone's".

Muddying the waters with psychobable,
Heightened awareness and relaxation go hand in hand in Wing Chun,
Drinking over the limit is no good for any one, Threats?, i dont make threats, i make promises,

Wow... I haven't heard that since, like, 3rd grade. I have seen studies that show a pretty clear connection between substance abuse and delayed development, however.

Threats are Usually full of Hot Air, Believe me i had my share, I was clearly stating that grammer isnt going to win fights, im sure Mike Tyson would agree,

Mr Tyson was an excellent boxer. I am not sure, however, that I'd consider him a positive role model. Unless you're trying to support your apparent convicion that there is a connection between brain damage and martial training?

Seems the worlds full of Nazis,

I invoke Godwins Law....
You do understand that being opposed to ignorance, and the public display thereof, is quite the antithesis of the position of the Nazi party, don't you? Perhaps not...

Thank you, I try, Its not main stream but neither is using the back part of your mind,

Sadly, severe cases of craniorectal impaction are becoming far too mainstream.
Mod Note:

1.8 Threats, Racism, Sexism, and Challenges:

Messages that are openly hostile, defamatory, sexual, vulgar, or harassing, will not be tolerated, and may be in violation of the law. Threads or replies promoting or expressing intolerant views towards any group (race, religion, sexual preference, interracial couples, etc.) will not be tolerated.

No "physical challenge" posts are allowed. If there is a threat or physical challenge, real or perceived, issued, the person making said threat will be immediately banned from this board with no warning or recourse.
small correction- cocaine is not natural, but the active ingredient in cocoa leaves is.

..small correction to your small correction :D Cocaine is not from cocoa.. cocoa / cacao beans gives us chocolate which I am sure you know.. it is maybe a typo that is ok.. it is coca leaves give us cocaine.. de-cocainised leaves make good tea it is good for relieving headache and tastes lovely also.. You know it was only like in 1908 or something like that that Coca Cola stopped putting cocaine in their Coke.. something tells me there is a reason their syrup recipe is still secret.. :)
IMHO, using ANY type of narcotic, mind-altering substance, or stimulant (IE alcohol, coke, et all) while training simply leaves you open for, and encourages, over-extending yourself, and opens the door for injury. Possibly significant injuries. Having said that, as an older practitioner, I often depend on something like “Vitamin A” (Aleve) to lessen the effects of training on my aging body. Two-days of seminar classes this past weekend tore my butt up. Without some assistance, I'd be moving slower today than I already am.

Now onto the more sensitive subject... illegal substances. Again, IMHO, they have no place in actual training; HOWEVER, I do see a genuine use for something like Cannabis in meditative practices. However, the issue I see here most is that people use it in a completely wrong manner. Getting stoned out of your gourd on a regular basis, under the auspices of increasing your awareness, is simply a fallacy. And, probably one that was achieved while high in the first place.

The single best way to use Cannabis as a meditative aide (IMHO) is to do it rarely, to use it in large quantities when you do, to be completely alone, and in to be in total darkness. Do I know of what I speak? Yes. I do. And, I have absolutely no problem with putting that out there. My reasoning here is best left for another thread, as it gets pretty involved.

In this context, the word “natural” means it comes from the Earth, and isn't altered in any way. Unlike Cocaine, alcohol, and the like... things like Cannabis, Psilocybin, Peyote (etc) are used as-is... with no processing other than natural desiccation.

Just my .02 US on the matter. Opinions may vary. No valid in Hawaii or Puerto Rico.

not that I'm a lush or anything....maybe a little bit in my youth :-) I can no longer tolerate the booze hound bashing. It does occur naturally.

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The single best way to use Cannabis as a meditative aide (IMHO) is to do it rarely, to use it in large quantities when you do, to be completely alone, and in to be in total darkness. Do I know of what I speak? Yes. I do. And, I have absolutely no problem with putting that out there. My reasoning here is best left for another thread, as it gets pretty involved.

In this context, the word “natural” means it comes from the Earth, and isn't altered in any way. Unlike Cocaine, alcohol, and the like... things like Cannabis, Psilocybin, Peyote (etc) are used as-is... with no processing other than natural desiccation. {salute}

I like you ... think I'm going to look for my well used Ted Nuggent & The Amboy Dukes album and drop the needle on the "Journey To The Center of The Mind". With a little help ... I'll be "in tuned". :p
This is a thread for "horror stories." Or maybe there should be a new forum called, "what NOT to do while training" ...