Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

They will have been 'cheated' somehow by non Aryans out of the jobs they really wanted to do. Their ill health won't be their fault either, there'll be some reason why they aren't fit that's to do with non Aryans and blame!

Probably, but if I was going to go around proclaiming my superiority, one of the conditions upon which my claim would rest would be the absolute inability to be cheated or otherwise brought down by all you other riff-raff. ;) The argument that "they is cheatin' us out of our birthright" seems to contradict the original claim of supreme awesomeness. Just sayin'.
Probably, but if I was going to go around proclaiming my superiority, one of the conditions upon which my claim would rest would be the absolute inability to be cheated or otherwise brought down by all you other riff-raff. ;) The argument that "they is cheatin' us out of our birthright" seems to contradict the original claim of supreme awesomeness. Just sayin'.

You're right and these people don't just complain, they whine!
Well, unfortunately, being a moron isn't a crime. Neither is being a racist...just acting on it. I'm also not committing any crime if I assume you're a racist and a moron because you named your kid Adolph Hitler.

To me, it's like the guy who tattoos his entire head like Darth Maul and has a nose ring like a water buffalo, and then is shocked, SHOCKED when people stare!

Here's my opinion: Name your kid anything you want, but accept the consequences.

By the way, I actually saw that tattooed water buffalo guy at a coffee house on Long Island. I stared.
"It doesn't mean hatred to me," he said. Deborah Campbell said a swastika "doesn't really have a meaning. It's just a symbol."

Ok... Then why plaster it everywhere? Why not just rub crap on the walls?
Someone could think it is pretty.
This guy, he's full of ****...
The true story here is parents cursing children, not the reluctance of a bakery. This is the new age update to " A Boy Named Sue", except that the unlucky kids get a poisonous ideology to go along with the names.

Not surprising to see the parents are pathetic, living off the handouts of we untermenschen.... despite the legends and propaganda, a little research reveals that many of the original Nazis were losers. too.

I'd love to see a bakery owned by descendants of Holocaust victims serve the parents a desert they truly deserve.
I certainly hope, despite their birth names, the children turn out to be much better people than a couple named Heath and Deborah.
One would like to hope so, but the parents have done their best to stack the odds against them, to trap them in their isolated and delusional Nazi world. Most parents want their kids to have it better than they did, but not these specimens.

Perhaps they will revolt against these two monsters, but who knows how much they will suffer - worse than denied birthday cakes - before they are old enough to do so.
Forget the cake. Can't we just give the parents personalized spay/neuter gift certificates?

Maybe we can take up a collection to pay for their individual snip-snips.

And lets give the poor kid another cake in the process too...he needs some happy childhood memories. He doesn't know what kind of hell he and his sisters about to grow up in to thanks to his stupid parents.
In Scotland being called Campbell is enough to get your head kicked in.

No one there has forgotten the Glencoe Massacre.

We were in Scotland for a while this past summer and all you had to do was ask the person at the table in the pub next to you about it, and you'd get an encyclopædia entry's worth of material about it. The name has become synonymous with treachery, the nasty kind which consists of accepting kindnesss from someone and then doing something horrible to them... absolutely unforgivable, in Highland culture...

...hmmm... there is a connection to the OP story, in a way, after all!
This will turn tragic sooner than later. What idiots.

When I worked for a certain college in Virginia, we had an undergrad named Richard Head. One year he registered under a different name. That's a case where one doesn't necessarily expect a name to cause a problem when naming a child. Culture changes. However, Adolph Hitler?
Does no one else here see the extreme irony of a man who named his kids after some of the most hated figures in the history of the planet, and who obviously did it in support of his personal beliefs, asking for "tolerance" from others about this choice?

Personally, it cracked me up. I feel terrible for their children for so many different reasons though.
I'd give him more credit if it wasn't for all the Nazi symbology.
Nomad, other stories on this don't paint nearly so innocent a picture. Daddy and Mommy are part of several neo-Nazi groups. They keep lots of National Socialist trinkets and other filth around.

If the kid had been denied a cake because he was named Pol Pot or Osama bin Laden would you feel the same way?
I have no words to describe the level of contempt I have for the father.

But it's a 3 year old's birthday cake. Get over that the guy he's named after was one of the most horrible human beings of the last several centuries. He isn't that guy, he's a 3 year old little boy.

Give the bugger a nice kosher cake with his name on it :)
Nomad, other stories on this don't paint nearly so innocent a picture. Daddy and Mommy are part of several neo-Nazi groups. They keep lots of National Socialist trinkets and other filth around.

If the kid had been denied a cake because he was named Pol Pot or Osama bin Laden would you feel the same way?

Tellner... I think you misread my post. I certainly didn't intend any sympathy for this person. I despise all of the hate and prejudice that he and his family represent, and am completely disgusted by his choice of names. If it came off otherwise, it was definitely not my intention.

I just found it rather desperately ironic that someone who preaches hate against so many different people because of their race or religion is asking for "tolerance" through the media.

Especially considering that the initial problem with the cake would have been avoided completely if the family hadn't insisted on putting all three names on their. "Adolf Campbell" might raise a few eyebrows, but would not likely be deemed too offensive to write on a cake. I think they were looking for attention and/or a fight, and now are a bit shocked at the backlash they're getting (all fully warranted, IMO)
Walmart under Walton wouldn't have. Today, they do whatever it takes to make a buck, and it shows.

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